Looking for Vegan friends on mfp!

Hello lovelies!

I hope everyone is doing well, in health and life in general. I'm looking to find some new vegan friends here on mfp, vegetarian / raw vegan as well! Though I am open to any friends in general, ha I don't see a lot of vegans here and was hoping to connect with some people over vegan nutrition. Feel free to add me! I've been vegan for 7 months and was vegetarian for years before that. I don't see myself going back, I'm feeling better than ever living on a vegan diet.



  • srpink26
    srpink26 Posts: 9
    HI! OK, so I'm not truly a vegan, but my husband is. About a year and half ago I decided to cut all animal products out of his diet to help lower his genetically inherited high cholesterol. So while I still eat some animal products on occasion myself, I do have lots of great yummy healthy VEGAN recipes that I cook all the time. Plus I've read tons of books on vegan nutrition. So maybe we can help each other out. :) Good Luck with everything! :)
  • FVPlant
    FVPlant Posts: 5
    Hey there! Ive been vegan for 6 years. I'll be your friend on here. I've gotten pretty great at vegan cooking too if you ever want to trade recipes!
  • Hey! I'm a vegan! Almost 2 years now and vegetarian for 5 before that. Loving it, too - and I don't feel *quite* as badly about eating a burger because I know it's less calories and way healthier!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
  • Been vegan for nearly 2 months :) Feel free to add me as a friend :) Would love more support!
  • EshaS30
    EshaS30 Posts: 7 Member
    Went Vegan this year after being a vegetarian for 15 years. Feel free to add. :happy:
  • jackilync
    jackilync Posts: 30 Member
    I envy all of your dedication! I was completely vegan for 5 months last year and was bullied into going back to eating meat by a doctor of mine. I have since dropped the doctor and am working on weaning off of animal products again. How awesome that some of you have been eating like this for so long!
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    Hiya, I have been cruelty free for almost a year now (went vegetarian in May, vegan in December) and love meeting new vegs.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Found a nice site for bean protein. I've been LOW on protein and need to step it up
