Newbie that needs support

Hello everyone!!! I am new to this site and am looking for some much needed support. I am 35 years old, 5'3 and weigh 235!! I always start tryign for the healthy lifestyle and always seem to crash and gain weight back. I am a Christian who really feels that with God's grace I can do this and I REALLY want to take it off this time and am hoping being on a site with others will help keep me accountable!


  • indiegroove
    indiegroove Posts: 2 Member
    This is very candid and brave of you! You are capable of doing that which you truly want. In other words, you can do this. Take steps and make good decisions.
    Good luck!
  • JLSFitness1947
    Hello from fellow Christian in Southern California -- Happy Good Friday, a great day to start. I am 65 years old grandpa who wants to reverse a lifetime of overeating. You came to the right place.