Support Struggles

So I am fully aware that support is a huge thing in losing weight. This is where I am having a lot of problems. My significant other is very small and needs to lose nothing. He and the children are all very picky eaters and not willing to eat any food that I would eat to help me in my weight loss goals. Because of these things I feel very alone when it comes to trying to get healthy at home.

I know that is going to be a lot of work mentally on my side for me to meet my goal. But what are some suggestions you can give me to handle not having support directly around me.

Thank you all for your suggestions in advance!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your only example of lack of support is that they aren't doing exactly the same thing as you. That isn't support, that is living vicariously.

    For example, my man needs nearly twice as much as me just to maintain at the low end of healthy for his height. The fact that he eats all evening doesn't mean that he doesn't support me, it just means that he has different wants and needs than I do.

    Do they actively say that your food looks yucky? That is something you can talk to them about.

    Do they make fun of you or make you feel guilty for eating healthy or working out? Also something to talk about.

    Do they say positive things to you?If not, some people just don't know what to say, so you might have to go without this one.

    Are they willing to walk with you? Go to the park with you? Will he watch the kids while you go to the gym?

    As for the food itself, what kinds of things are you trying to get them to eat? Are you eating diet "food" or just food? Have you tried zucchini tots? Have you tried roasted veggies? What kinds of things are they asking for? Can they be modified?

    Have you sat down with him to have a talk about family nutrition? What can you do to introduce the kids to new foods? Would he be willing to try new on a picky eater plan, where everyone has to take one taste of a new food once a week? (and must try the same food multiple times before passing judgement on it)
  • hockey7chick
    hockey7chick Posts: 2 Member
    The thing that killed me the most was when I was eating heathier for example a piece of chicken and salad. Him not wanting chicken went and got him and the kids arby's. Though nothing was being said it made it very difficult for me.

    There has also been an instance where I was eating an healthier meal. He brought in a cadburry egg and made the comment "I am also attempting to eat better, see i have an egg"

    So it has not really been putting it down so to say. More so having that temptation in front of me. It has been a struggle for me to look past the temptations.
  • Ldavies85
    Ldavies85 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey you!
    Have you tried talking to him about it? I know I struggle too when Elijah eats unhealthy, or sits around and snacks. It's gotten to the point where we just don't buy anything unhealthy anymore, and if there is something he wants, he can eat it at work. Though he is trying to eat better.

    You could also try making a food plan with each other. Eating healthy isn't only about eating chicken and salad. You can make yummy dinners, and low calorie dinners that are still great tasting. And if you do a meal plan, shop for the ingredients once a week, you are more likely to stick to the plan and not eat out as much. Keep healthy yummy snacks around so if you do need to snack, or he is eating another chocolate egg, you could eat your snack?

    I think the biggest thing is communicating. I know it might be hard, since he is probably already stuck in his ways, and the kids are older, but he should be willing to compromise with you, and should want to help you be successful!

    Also, I am here for you! If you need anything, let me know!
  • annokoye
    annokoye Posts: 125 Member

    I am so sorry that you've had to experience this but something that helped me constantly was to remember why; I'm on this journey. I am on this journey for a better lifestyle and a longer life span for me. I believe the greatest testimony is evidence. I have struggled too with sticking to the plan but what gets me back on track is knowing that it is for me. The bottom line is we all account for our health individually. My husband is also slim for his height, but he is a man. I know that he may want to eat more than I do and I don't worry about that because I am on this journey for me. The best thing you can do for yourself is to understand that your desires should never rule or control you actions. We all fall but the key is knowing that we can get back up and keep pressing forward. I lost about 23lbs in 2.5 months. It was hard because I had to take control of my thoughts and desires and say; I am going to eat healthy because it is right. My husband nevery complimented me once and claimed he couldn't see a difference. Sometimes we just want that support from home. I completely understand. I begin to fall backwards and worked out less and begin eating some of the bad things I at before and I quickly gained 9lbs back. I have since made up my mind that I'm on this journey for me so if no one else in the house eats right; I will because I want to live and enjoy life without possible medical problems due to being overweight. So try hard to stay encouraged and know that you're doing it for you. You know my kids are young but they learned to love greek yogurt and all types of berries, along with talapia too. When you eat your food, learn to enjoy it and even if your huband doesn't want to try it, your kids may want to try it. You can make healthy foods that taste just as well as other foods. My daughter tried squash and boiled shrimp with me and she loved it. Try to stay encouraged and know that you are doing it for you. So even if your only motivation is yourself keep pushing. You'll soon be very happy you did. Take care,