Introduction: Good Morning,

Good Morning,

I’ve never been very good at these introduction posts so bear with me…

My name is Shawn Cameron, and I am a female of 26 years living in Maine but originally from Arizona. My husband and I have been using the MyFitnessPall app but this is the first time I’ve thought to take advantage of the community aspect of this very helpful website.

I got out of the Coast Guard a few years ago and am currently going back to school full time on the GI Bill. Right now my fitness goal is to get into a shape and weight similar to when I was in boot camp 6 years ago. This will mean loosing roughly 20 lbs. Though my over-all health is more important then the number on the scale, that same number is a good way to gauge how I’m doing so that’s what I will be using.

Sadly our time and financial situation isn’t the best in the world so though I would love to eat more all natural and organic foods most of the time that is not an option. Also being a desert rat living in New England my desire to exercise outside will be minimal till summer *blush* Over all these are very small hurtles but I’m hoping to find the support here I might need to get over them when they frustrate me to the point of quitting.

Thank you all for your presents and time spent reading this. I look forward to reading the posts here and hope that as I move along my own path and goals I will be able to return the favor and help others coming onto the sight in future.

Very Respectfully
