Phentermine(Has anyone tried it?)



  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    I used it for a week and it kick started my weightloss journey but I wouldnt recomend using it too long I used it for 7 days and I felt sever withdrawl jitters sweats sleeplessness for a few days after I stopped taking them...
  • I had polycystic ovary syndrome and didn't take any medications at all....medicines made it a little worse and did not help at all....i ended up having a full hysterectomy which has obviously helped me with losing weight because i have lost 24 lbs total since my surgery in october.....
  • addipex is the name brand and I didnt take it for my ovary problem but I did take it for weight loss assistance and just a few words of advice.....dont take long...i took them for year, lost 57 body went into full hunger mode once i got off of them and i gained that and almost double back......and it wasnt from overeating, it was from my body feeling like it was completely starved and deprived of food....
  • I've been taking Adipex since March 31 of this year and can say I have had no adverse side effects. The hirst few days it made me a little extra hyper but I kind of liked that effect. It did curb my appetite alot in the beginning but still has its effect. I still dont eat half of what i ate before but in the beginning i could barely make 1000 calories. My docter said she plans to keep me on it for 6 months and then see how I do on my own. Hope this helps some with what you want to know!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    I have PCOS. I have had it for a few years. nothing was done about it a few years ago,, Just told that I had it and could be controlled but needed to lose weight. Well, I should have educated myself on what exactly it entailed and would could happen if not treated. I thought it was basically a fancy way of telling me that I a worse case of endometreosis that before. I was already overweight at the time they diagnosed me. I was working on losing weight, but apparently not the way I needed to. 3 years later...I am sitting at 255..not my highest either. This past year I gained over 80 pounds. SO I went to a weightloss clinic thinking they could help..She did my health history and blood work. She had a fit when she saw my lab work and found out I had PCOS. I am now insulin resistant, high blood pressure and alot of other things that go along with PCOS. let me give you a little background beside that..I did try phen last year by my normal doctor. he did not educate me on phen or anything just to eat less, and exercise with the pill..Well I lost a good 30 pound within 2 months..fantastic,...but guess what..I gained that and 50 more hair statred falling out and was so brittle it looked like i had way too many dye jobs..My face started looking rough..I used to have great complexion..I did not have any of the normal side effects that time..but it really screwed me when my weightloss doctor suggested me try it again I was not too hip..But this time she did educate me on it a little more..One of the most important things with it is to drink keeps your body in check and eases alot of the side also keeps you from being constipated which is a side effect..second..EAT! Make sure you eat..don't go to town healthy...ANd for me since I am now insulin resistant that meant eating a lower carb, higher protien..less fruits..but still have a daily serving..even when your not sure you get at least 3 meals in. With PCOS alot of women can''t do alot of the diets..our bodies don't like carbs and well sugar just isn't the best choice..WE need of coarse the good carbs, but watch the starches..3rd..Take your vitamins..That is alot of the reason I lost my hair and face looked like crap..with the combination of taking the phen and not really eating I had no real nutrients to take care of my body..and I think that is why I did end up gaining the weight back, I went from starving my self to just eating like I used to..Which is why I was over weight in the first place..This time I was put on 30 mg of phen in the morning and then another 15 at 2..I had to go to this dosage since I started on such a high dose last year my body did not forget the phen was there before and I built a tollerance for it..My doc also put me on a blood pressure pill to lower my BP and Metformin which helps treat PCOS, diabetes 2 and I believe a few other medical conditions.. If I would have been put on the metformin 3 years ago I would not have been where I am now..My hormones would have been at least a little better, the weight tha tIhave would not be here, I would not be insulin resistant and alot of other things.Anyway.. I lost a little with the phen..but I got sick and with th ecombination of antibiotics, inhalers, and phen did not agree with me..The hospital that I went to sent me home taking all my meds and the ones they prescribed..Guess what BP and HR went through the rood..Called my weightloss doc..she about had a cow..She was surprised my heart or head had not I went off of with just the combination of the metformin, bp meds, exercising moderatly and eating healthy I have lost close to 20 pounds..The phen was fine..I stayed with headaches, but alot of that could have been contributed to the high blood pressure..That is a side effect of phen too elavated BP/HR and headaches..

    With all of that being said it is your choice what and how you choose to lose the weight, but do it wisely..I know phen is normally prescribed to people who are obese or close to it..It is not something that is recommended for someone who needs to lose a few pounds..I am not sure how much you weigh, but you may want to look into metformin for your PCOS, or at least ask your OBGYN about it..It seems to be one of the best ways to control PCOS and if you keep your health and weight under control you won't be where I am today, battling to lose this..But for me I am relieved that I now know why I wasn't losing the weight. I have struggled with it for the past few years and could never understand why I was not dropping the weight from my girls, I have always been active and I did portion control, never ate any more than my kids things like most people..But it was not knowing that my body cant handle certain foods due to the PCOS. Sorry this is so long, but I wanted you to understand where my 2 cents are coming from and why..But please if you do choose to stay on the phen,,eat healthy foods and take the vitamins..GOOD LUCK!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Yes, I was on it for about 2 1/2 months. I lost about 25 pounds. With that all my eyelashes fell out, my hair did to. I didn't grow any hair on my legs, I got pale in my face and oh ya I had rapid heart palpitations, this started about 2 months into it. So needless to say I stopped it. and it took a good month for it to get out of my system. My period was 3 months late.

    Since then my eyelashes have grown back, My friend was on Phentermine too, she did not have the same side effects as me. Everyone is different. It's been 6 months since I stopped, and I am now back on the regular diet and exercise to loose weight. Just be aware of the side effects..

    Good Luck
    Omg, Sweetie I'm sorry that all happened, how scary! :ohwell: It's crazy how drugs can act one way for someone and completely different for someone else. I can definitely see why you went off!! Very very smart girl, though with your experience I'm rather surprised your friend decided to take it after your experience, unless she didn't know about it when she started?

  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds like the doctor doesn't have confidence in you losing the weight on your own. Prove him wrong and skip the drugs.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    My doctor is an OBGYN. He advised me that this is a short term thing that is why he wants me watching what i eat an exercising regularly, he is actually the one that referred me to this site and I am already on birth control.

    An OBGYN is NOT a specialist in PCOS. PCOS is still a fairly new condition that very little is known about. It is very often misdiagnosed and undiagnosed. You NEED to see a specialist, especially if you are considering taking a risky medication. I've been diagnosed with PCOS, and neither my regular OBGYN or the specialist that I saw (who is very well known in the field) ever mentioned a medication like this one. I know a lot of people with PCOS and none of them have ever taken it or have had it suggested to them either. The only medication other than birth control that is common to prescribe to women with PCOS is metformin.

    Just because he/she is a doctor doesn't mean that they are always right. Do your own research and see someone else before committing to anything potentially dangerous.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I've tried many things for weight loss over the years, including a medically supervised fast and even a lap band. Anything can work - for the short term. The proof is in the long-term results. Most of these diet "aids" end up with the dieter gaining all the weight back and then some.

    I'm currently loving what I'm eating and envision doing this for the rest of my life. Instead of feeling deprived, I feel downright spoiled. My cholesterol has dropped 40 points and I feel better than I have since I was a kid. Finally, my head is in the right place and my eating habits (lots of veggies, fruits, minimally refined carbs) are too.

    You can tell I don't think the Phentermine is a great idea. The idea of it speeding up your heart really scares me. I have had atrial fibrillation for several years. It started with fast heartbeats (tachycardia). When those things happen, they cause what's called remodeling of the heart. There are actual, physical changes to the heart. Basically, the more you have them, the more likely they are to continue.

    I'd be concerned both about the short-term-fix aspect of it and about the possibility of heart damage. We'd like to think doctors know everything and can predict every possible outcome. Unfortunately, as hard as most of them try, they don't and they can't.

    Best of luck to you.
  • styanne
    styanne Posts: 7 Member
    i went on it years ago lost some but not a lot and i have put the weight back on and more i found that i couldnt sleep properly. the only thing that i could say is that my mum was taken ill, i spent a couple of days and nights in the hospital without sleep, they were handy then as she wouldnt let anyone go by her, she thought the dr's and nurses were out to kill her. she pulled all her tubes out except the catheta ripped up her notes and threatened to sue the security guard if he came near her .
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    I have friends that have used it and yes it worked for them, but all they wanted was a quick fix and that is what they got. They lost and gained nearly as quickly however a year after my 3rd child was born and I still was carrying an extra 10-12 lbs I went to the same bariatric doctor and learned that the Adipex is just a small part of a program. She prescribed it because so may of us get discouraged so easily and you can have rapid results with this drug, the key is to make other changes. Adipex gave me the energy to get up at 5am and hit the gym and still care for a 1,3,5 year old little girls. I had no ill effects and it helped me with portion control. The diet that I was put on was pretty much like weight watchers or any other sensible eating plan, nothing extreme, just common sense.
    So for me I this drug was the kick in the pants that I needed to get on track.
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