8 weeks progress and hopefully photos help please!!!!

Ok so I have been having a HELL of a time trying to upload images of me for the last couple of hours. I have i photo on a mac computer and I just can't work it out. Anyhow I'm going to post this anyhow and see if it works- and if it doesn't could you intelligent people out there give me a little nudge in the right direction doh!!!!

Ahhhh...... My name is Donna and I have been on this "weight loss change of life journey" for 10 weeks now and loving it!!! I have met many awesome people on here and know for once in my life where I have been going wrong for sooooo many years.

Previously I have always attempted Weight Watchers (which does work) however, I finally had a wake up moment and noticed that the scales or number on scales has always been my biggest flaw when trying to lose weight..... Whenever I would Plateau or god forbid put on weight I just switched off and went back to bad habits. Sooooo now I weigh every now and then (trying to every 5 weeks) and instead I'm taking photos of my progress which is really working for my motivation and get up and go attitude.

Sooooo here are the photos of 8 weeks progress so far..... hopefully....... please help me if not I would love to learn.

Just letting you know I still don't know what I weigh at the moment because my Wii is broken.....

Cheers Donna


/Users/BluBayTiling/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2013/03/30/20130330-112524/IMG_0199.JPG


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I can't see your pics...
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You will need to upload the pictures somewhere on the Internet first. Like Facebook or picasa or dropbox.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    You have to upload your pictures to a site like photobucket.com in order to post them in threads. Its really easy and free. After you do that you should see codes on the bottom right of the screen with your pic. Copy the one that starts with IMG. Post it in the reply box of your thread but make the IMG lowercase. Hope that helps!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    You can't upload pictures straight from your computer to the forums. You have to host them online forst, so somewhere like photobucket, then get the img code from there and come back to the forums and paste the code in here.
  • Shanekhyl
    Shanekhyl Posts: 31
    Thanks guys I'll down load photobucket now and see how I go aghh frustrating
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks guys I'll down load photobucket now and see how I go aghh frustrating

    I have a Mac also and I've been where you are, very frustrating!
    What worked for me was to take a pic with my iPhone, then I use the app (free) Picstitch to create a side by side comparison. Then I upload the pic to photobucket using the app (free) on my phone.
    Then I go on my computer and pull up Photobucket (I don't know how to resize picks in Photobucket app), go to my album, pull up the picture, click edit and change the size to 330x330 (it says it will distort but it will be OK). Then I get back on my phone, open the post or start a post in safari, go to Photobucket and select the edited/resized pic and touch the little italic i in the bottom right corner, choose the IMG one, go back to the post in MFP, hold and paste, change the IMGs to img (lowercase) and post.
    It's sounds like a lot but that's the only thing that works for me. Anyone else knows an easier route please let us know!
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