Ladies 5'9

mwepner Posts: 7 Member
Hello All,

I have read many sucess stories for women who are shorter that 5'9, but there isn't much out there for us taller gals. I have lost 20 lbs so far and have 30 more to go. Wondering if there is anyone out there that is tall like me and would be willing to post pic, success stories, or helpful hints. I've started to level out and don't want to stay at this wieght.

I also have to be honest that I've started to lose my thunder as the scale hasn't moved. So I need motivation.

Any help would be great! Thanks All!!!


  • ninjakittens
    ninjakittens Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there :)

    I'm 5' 11" and I've lost 14lbs so far since Jan 1st. 14 to 20 more to go! I'll be happy with 14 (but delighted with 20!)

    20 lbs is fantastic - well done!!!! It's horrible when you plateaux though isn't it!

    I'm losing about 1 lb a week - that suits me fine because it's pretty consistent. I'm doing it through the 5/2 diet and I find it really works for me. I already ate fairly healthy food - but now eat very healthily and have cut down on sugar, alcohol, cakes etc! I haven't even really started exercising yet! I've noticed that I occasionally need to eat more on a non-fast day to get my system working hard again - weird! I was being super good and only ever eat 1200 cals on a non-fast day - but plateauxed - so tried eating 2000 for a couple of days - and yay back on track!

    I didn't take before pics - and I'm not taking pics along the way - I just know when clothes fit me again that I'm doing great - so I use that rather than the scale as my measure! :) It's amazing the difference from week to week.

    Also - if you're working out you may be building muscle and so not losing on the scale - but changing your body shape for the better none the less.

    If you've never tried the 5/2 and you're interested it might be a way for you to kickstart your weightloss again. I'm going to keep it up for life - I'll reduce to 1/6 when I'm at my target.

    :) Sorry I don't have more helpful tips! Hope you keep up the motivation and find a way to lose more.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    There is a Totally Tall Women of MFP group you can join.... lots of us tall gals around her (5'10 here)
  • I am 5'9 - ish. I started at 163.4, and currently weigh around 154. Not very much loss, but I am glad that i am losing weight.

    For me, I switched to a more intensive workout program (Insanity) which has helped me tone up quite a bit and still lose weight.....slowly which is good, but I wish it would just melt away. Have you tried going a little out of your regular workout routine? I've always ran, and just the two weeks of Insanity my body has changed in ways running never could.
  • Hello & thank you for the friend request! Unfortunately, I don't have any helpful advice to offer. However, if it is any consolation, I know just how you're feeling... I have been stuck at this 19 lb. loss for days. I stick to 1200 cal./day and the thought of upping my calories to help break the plateau is a bit terrifying. I am so glad to have my MFP friends though and glad to include you among them :smile:
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Hello! I am also 5'9" and so far (in about 2 years...although the last year I maintained) I have lost about 70 pounds. Because I had a lot to lose (starting weight ~250lbs) the weight came off super fast at first, but now I too am struggling with a plateau. After maintaining my 70 pound loss for a year, I have recently decided to try to shed the last 20 pounds. I have fallen in love with weight lifting (I highly recommend The New Rules of Lifting for Women) and HIIT training. These two things combined seem to work better for me (and most other people) than just doing long periods of endurance exercise.

    My Stats:

    Starting Weight: ~250
    Current Weight: 180
    Starting Size: 20/XXL
    Current Size: 10/M

    When I first joined MFP over 2 years ago I only ate 1,200 cals a day. Yes, I lost weight, but I was always hungry and I didn't feel well. Now, I eat 2,000 cals everyday minimum, and the weight has started to come off again. You need to fuel your body to do the workouts you put it through. Also remember, the quality of your food also counts. I try to eat 80% good-for-me food and 20% whatever I want so that my plan is sustainable.

    Here are my Before and Current face pictures:





    I hope this helps answer some of your questions! Good luck!
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    I hear you! I'm 5'9 as well and I love it when I see taller girls posting up on MFP! I started at 180 and am at 159 but ultimately would love to get to 150 because I know I'll flucuate five pounds more occasionally. I lost the weight fast at first (lots of cardio) but when I plateaued at about 165 I started doing more strength training (30 Day Shred) and it helped me lose 6 more pounds. I'm still working on getting back into consistently doing strength training and watching my eating so I can hit my goal this spring/summer. The things that have worked best for me are eating enough protein everyday, eating more fruit for treats and cutting out 95% of my fatty sweets, not eating past 7 pm, sit-ups before bed, and 30 minutes of strength training, with at least 30 minutes of cardio five days a week.
  • I am 5'10. I had my first baby in January 2012 and gained 55 pounds. I was at 219 when I had him! I was able to get down to 185 then plateaued. I didn't join MFP until I saw my sister in laws (kikilareggae) results at a family reunion in June. At first I thought it was too hard to keep track but now it's just a way of life. I have a hard time looking at the weight of those smaller/shorter than me so it helps to see were women my height/ age group are. Right now I am at a much healthier 167lbs. I love going to the gym and taking my little boy for walks. My friends and family have noticed the results and I got to buy size 8 and size 10 pants last week! Wahoo! Feels good to be only 10 pounds away from where I was before I got married 6 years ago! What's worked - some form of exercise 5-6 times a week, entering in calories before I have treats/unhealthy snacks, set goals (right now I am trying to beat my mile time each time I go to the gym). I recommend MFP to everyone!
  • Hey there! I'm 5'9 as well. I started at 248 lbs in early September and today I'm 190 pounds. When I started I was wearing a size 18 (although I probably should've been in a 20) and I was wearing tight XL shirts. A few days before I started losing weight, I had bought my first 1X shirts, I think that's when I finally realized that I had to fix my lifestyle. The best piece of advice I have to give you is to keep going. To this day I barely see any difference in myself; in fact I would swear I look exactly the same. However, I know that's not true because of the compliments I've gotten and the shrinking jean size (I'm size 14 jeans and large shirt). Anyway, long story short, just stick with it no matter what. It's definitely worth it!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Hi I am 5"9...i started at 173.1 kilos (380 pounds) and now weigh 88.2 kilos (194 pounds)...Ive done it simply by eating well and exercise....ive attached a couple of pics :)



  • SexyCool13
    SexyCool13 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I am 5"9...i started at 173.1 kilos (380 pounds) and now weigh 88.2 kilos (194 pounds)...Ive done it simply by eating well and exercise....ive attached a couple of pics :)

    You rock! Congratulations!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ *miracles and blessings...
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Hello & thank you for the friend request! Unfortunately, I don't have any helpful advice to offer. However, if it is any consolation, I know just how you're feeling... I have been stuck at this 19 lb. loss for days. I stick to 1200 cal./day and the thought of upping my calories to help break the plateau is a bit terrifying. I am so glad to have my MFP friends though and glad to include you among them :smile:

    At our height we can definately afford to eat more than 1200, try it, you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I'm 5'9'' and I have lost almost 110 pounds. I have before, in progress, and pics now in my photos.

    I also leveled off, but decided I am going to do a bulk/cut with heavy weights and see how that works out for me.

    I am around 162 lbs and median 24% BF.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Hi I am 5"9...i started at 173.1 kilos (380 pounds) and now weigh 88.2 kilos (194 pounds)...Ive done it simply by eating well and exercise....ive attached a couple of pics :)

    You rock! Congratulations!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ *miracles and blessings...

    Thank you :)
  • eddynigma
    eddynigma Posts: 18 Member
    5'9 here I lost about 15-20 pounds before using my fitness pal and another 5 pounds since.I was 175-180 ish and am now 155 lbs. I gained a lot of weight after having my daughter and only really decided to make a change last year. I was using a workout trainer app to do about a 20 minute workout 4 days a week, and doing roller derby 4 hours a week. Now I am still doing roller derby and also doing the 30 day shred (im on day 4 of level 2) I started at a 700 calorie deficit but that was not enough food for me so I am now eating at TDEE - 20% and feel like i'm in the best shape of my life!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'9, started at 285, lost about 30 pounds then gained 15 back due to poor choices. Now I'm at 270 and I'm in it for the long haul! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm eating around 1500-1800 cals a day.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 5'9" and have lost some and still have quite a bit to go. It's been coming off slower lately, but I'm motivated and committed. Anyone can add me if they like. :smile:
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