Fatness to Fitness and hopefully Ripped...ness?

I usually skip intro sections, and actually if you look at my post count; I have skipped it, just decided to come back and post one, cause it never really hurts.

A bit about me:

I'm 26, living in San Antonio, Texas; and started my fitness crusade (soon becoming bodybuilding) in October of 2012. Since then I've lost over 120lbs through diet and exercise. SW over 300, current 186. (185.8). My goal weight has been through out of the window since I plan to continue training and as I mentioned before, start looking at bodybuilding. Why? Just to have the look; every guy at some point in their life wants a six pack, so I'm gonna get mine and get some photographic evidence before I die.

My main exercise is HIIT Kettlebell training. I do a tabata style workout of 20 seconds work, 20 seconds rest, for 20 minute. Alternating between swings, standing presses, high pulls and one arm swings. I've made progress in both muscle growth and fat loss with this and plan to keep it as my main cardio going forward.

My weight training has been nowhere near as good as my cardio; unfortunately. This is mainly due to my lack of equipment and gym membership. I did do some gym searching, but they're either crappy gyms. (Planet Fitness) or cost an arm and a leg. (Gold's) Being a single dude, I can't rock the budget for that; so I've been trying to get myself more equipment.

I've done tons of research into fat loss, weight loss, diets, exercise and pretty much the entire nine yards. (Including specific ailments to males...gyno!! dun dun) So you can shoot me any questions if you want the non-professional bropinion.

Anyway, my goal is to keep burning fat and start packing on the muscle. Cheers!


  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Wow, awesome job dropping that amount of weight in such a short period of time. Welcome!
  • sadance12
    Awesome job! I started my weight loss almost five years ago and now starting to focus on strength training,too! Have you found anything specific in San Antonio that helps you? This is my second summer here and I'm dreading the heat and workout combos again. I've also done a ton of research, but slightly different (female) focus.

    Height: 5'7"
    Starting weight: around 240 lbs
    Current weight: 167
    Goal weight: 155

    Keep it up, guy!