Looking for Fellow Slimming World Friends

I'm currently following the Slimming World Extra Easy Plan and keeping track of my diet and exercise on here.
I am looking for fellow Slimming World members to add as friends so we can support each other through our weight loss journey.


  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I have been doing OK but plan to start SW on Wednesday as need the discipline of weigh-ins & meetings too. Plan to try & keep track here too. How do you find it works for you?!?!?
    Add me if you think I will be of support!
  • smartgirluk
    smartgirluk Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there, Im doing sw but log calories and exercise on here with my fitbit. I started again last week and my frist weigh in will be monday - im looking forward to it.
  • trialstyle
    trialstyle Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there, Im doing sw but log calories and exercise on here with my fitbit. I started again last week and my frist weigh in will be monday - im looking forward to it.

    I'm using a FitBit too and like it. The problem I have using it- I need to eat the calories back now that I'm at my target weight!
  • smonty88
    smonty88 Posts: 10 Member
    Im starting SW again after 8 months! (i'm in a bad state), need to get back on track and the additional pressure of weigh-ins and meetings. Will still be using this to check calorie values though. Here hoping for a lasting change this time. Feel free to add!!
  • I'm starting slimming world this week add me if u want
  • Hi I'm new here doing slimming world and using mfp as well feel free to add me as friend :smile:
  • mimi31
    mimi31 Posts: 8 Member
    I've just started SW, feel free to add me :)
  • Just started up on slimming world today - doing it online. Any support would be really appreciated!!! Got a whopping 5 and a half stone to lose :( Feel free to add me xx
  • jai532
    jai532 Posts: 1 Member
    hi every one. i have been doing slimming world now since august 2012. i have lost 2st 1lbs since then. i have had a few ups over Christmas and Easter but im back on track now.
    recently i have been trying out original days (red days). I thought with working out everyday that i would burn fat instead of the carbs i would be eating from EE or green days.
    1st week of doing this i have lost 3.5lbs. so im going to stick to it.
    well done on your weight loss ladies.. keep it up.
    when are your weigh in days
  • slw86
    slw86 Posts: 2
    im starting this week :) I have done it b4 a few years ago, add me me if you think I could be a support xx
  • dcampus
    dcampus Posts: 18
    I'm not doing slimming world right now as it doesn't fit with my lifestyle (going out for dinner a lot etc) but it DEFINITELY works and I love the plan. I still get the magazines and do a lot of the recipes. Anyone feel free to add if you'd like :)
  • Hi there. I just started logging today. Getting married in December and need to drop a few before then to look stunning onn my big day. Any support and friends will be appreciated in my mission to look and feel good on my wedding day.
  • alisonjayne1989
    alisonjayne1989 Posts: 9 Member
    Im doing Slimming world to. I did it a couple of years ago and lost 3 stone. I then moved to Canada and put it all back on. I have tried weight watchers, Jenny Craig and MFP calorie counting and nothings worked. We dont have slimming world here so Im doing it solo and would love some SW friends for encouragement. Please add me
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    I joined slimming world on Monday, feel free to add me
  • susiepet
    susiepet Posts: 68
    I've just started SW after about 6 months of calorie counting on here. I want a bit of a break from the counting bit and to re-learn that focussing on healthy food - but not obsessing about it constantly - is the long term way forwards. I also use fitbit to track activity and sleep. Of course, this site and fitbit needs a calorie input to complete all the dinky graphs - but the whole point of SW is you don't do that.....what do others do?

  • cat4772
    cat4772 Posts: 1 Member
    Husband and I joined SW at the end October and he's just got his 1st award and I'm about 4lb away from mine. would be great to share support with other SW people.