How often do you allow yourself a 'treat' meal?



  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    This morning I did...but I wish I would have looked at the calories first...McDonald's Cinnamelt=460...I don't think that "cheat" was worth the amount of calories and I'm regretting it. Oh and learn...I think you should allow one treat meal per week. :smile:

    Yeah, I've decided that on a lot of things- I don't enjoy them enough to justify the calories. I'd say about every two weeks I'll have something that's bad for me- not a whole meal but one item- and I just thoroughly enjoy it and go on. Usually it's got frosting on it. Last week it was an exquisite cupcake from a high-end bakery, brought into the office by someone who wanted to thank us for a lot of hard work. I enjoyed every calorie and fat molecule but I'm glad I don't do that every day.
    I have a dessert which is my downfall, which is the Scottish shortbread cookie -- a small brick shape cookie, which individually are around 110 calories because they have so much butter in them.

    I know EXACTLY which brand you mean! DH makes shortbread cookies and they are SO good. I'm taking some onto the office for a bortdhay celebration Monday and in the meantime they're hidden away in tins so I don't have to walk past them out in the open.
  • sixfeettall
    sixfeettall Posts: 34 Member
    I like this term SO MUCH better than the commonly used "cheat meal" or cheat day" ... Seems like you have a healthier attitude toward it. That being said, it really depends. It is a marathon and not a sprint... it is about changing eating habits forever so whatever we are doing to lose weight needs to be sustainable until death does our body/spirit part... That being said, early on, I was more goal oriented. As I am approaching my goal, I am ok with only losing a pound or two per month (as opposed to the 12-15 lbs I was losing early on (was morbidly obese)... My goal is still there and I will get there... but I am focusing really more on a maintenance mindset at this point so I am adjusting my diet (actually, it is not a bad term if used properly.. everybody, even those with bad ones, have them)... to more of a slightly below maintenance mode.

    Anyway, the short answer is... it depends on what is going on. Some weeks. No treats.. Others, 2-3 is ok.

    I agree! The term cheat meal just oozes guilt therefore making you feel negative, whereas treat makes you feel as if you've really earned it so you feel positive! Wow, that's amazing! Massive well done to you!!! Yeah, I feel at the minute I'm quite goal orientated but I know that I'll slide into a routine which will make my lifestyle change a very sustainable one which balances out treats and being healthy.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    I've been on this journey for 6 weeks, and I haven't really had a cheat yet, not that I consider a cheat anyway. I had steak the other night, but measured it out to a 3 oz portion. I had pasta last night, but I measured my portion and counted my calories, staying well within my limit. My "treats" are 100 calorie packs, or recipes that I modify to be healthier versions. I'm not depriving myself of what I love, I'm making sure that I lose weight and get healthy so that I am not the next one in my family to have a heart attack. "Cheating" to me is going over your calorie limit for the day, or eating things way over proportioned. It's all about serving sizes and making smart choices.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I consider all my meals to be a treat because I always eat something yummy. Honestly though, a real treat is a Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen. I eat one a few times a year.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    I don't.

    I find recipes that are within my plan that taste like a treat to me.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have a desert which is my downfall, which is the Scottish shortbread cookie -- a small brick shape cookie, which individually are around 110 calories because they have so much butter in them. They are delicious; they are also expensive for a college student, which helps limit my intake of them. When I do have a box around the house, usually I will eat one a day since I have trouble hitting 1200 calories in the first place due to being a vegetarian and exercising daily.

    Though Easter is going to be fun. The chocolate crunch bunny will not see it coming. Nor will the pizza that follows most likely, knowing my family "traditions". B)

    YUMMM! Scottish shortbread dipped in chocolate milk FTW!
  • meeemy
    meeemy Posts: 26 Member
    I limit it to once a week
    But right now i have a cheat meal whenever i feel like it which is not so often.
    Maybe every 2 weeks a Hamburger or something
  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
    Since I really want this to be a lifestyle change, I basically try to eat in moderation. I try to eat 80% healthy and maybe 20% of not so healthy on a daily basis. I try not to deprive myself because I don't want to go overboard if I don't eat something that I really want. Since I have started tracking calories, I have become more aware of how many calories food really has and how much is a portion. I really had no idea of how many calories I was eating. "Junk food" can really add up quickly, but I still have to get my share.:smile:
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I don't have scheduled treat meals, I will do special days and occasional treats. Last weekend was my birthday, I allowed myself to enjoy a meal out with family on Saturday and went out to celebrate by myself on Sunday (my actual birthday) and was very good the rest of the week. I lost 1.2 lbs when I weighed in yesterday, so was pleased. One of the things I noticed after my "Birthday bash weekend" was I craved sweets all week which has not been a problem most of the time. Tomorrow our church is having a brunch between services. I plan to enjoy it, and then be good the rest of the week.

    If someone brings in a treat to work, I will ask to have a small piece broken off or one bite. I have had no problem with others accomodating me since they are all really encouraging my efsforts. (if it is cake, I usually make sure I get a good share of frosting since it is my favorite part--especially butter cream. Taking the occasional taste or meal is really helping me to make this a life change and not a "diet" and really helping to fend off the cravings and binges.
  • deeruns
    deeruns Posts: 39 Member
    Since I really want this to be a lifestyle change, I basically try to eat in moderation. I try to eat 80% healthy and maybe 20% of not so healthy on a daily basis. I try not to deprive myself because I don't want to go overboard if I don't eat something that I really want. Since I have started tracking calories, I have become more aware of how many calories food really has and how much is a portion. I really had no idea of how many calories I was eating. "Junk food" can really add up quickly, but I still have to get my share.:smile:

    This. And for me, I've learned this is the best way to do it. Otherwise, my "treat" meals turn into binge marathons where I look up an hour later and have eaten an entire pizza haha. 80-20 and feeling/looking great :D.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Daily. I eat a well balanced diet and add in things that I truly enjoy that fit.

    Pancakes, bacon, ice cream, hamburgers and pizza fit prominently into my diet. Of course so do vegetables, whole grains, low fat/non-fat dairy, almonds, avocado, eggs, fruit and lean meats.
  • AmandaRaeLeo
    AmandaRaeLeo Posts: 4 Member
    I'm not a fan of calling it "treat meals" or "cheating". That sets me up for failure. If I deprive myself I will binge. If I account for my intake and my exercise... It's called "reality". It is about accountability, common sense, and moderation. For me, my brain has to be in it.
  • GinaRamp
    GinaRamp Posts: 16 Member
    Every Friday my husband and I go out on a date and I eat whatever I want.
  • linnamor
    linnamor Posts: 14
    Once a week on a monday (after I get weighed at rosemary connolly class) which only means dinner but its usually an unhealthy takeaway,chocolate, lattes and ice cream. I do limit my calories for the tue and wed and go to the gym so I dont suppose its that bad. Easter week may be diff though, especially as no weigh in this week!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Friday night is usually the night I relax and not worry about calories. I don't think of it as a "cheat" since it's not a diet and mostly everything we have in our house is healthy anyway. For me it's usually an extra drink or two or some dessert. And I don't track for the night. But Saturday AM I'm back to it.
  • javimendoza
    javimendoza Posts: 52 Member
    Treat meal for me ....... Beer..... my favorite brand is 41 cal / 100 ml.... and when i hang out with my friends i usually drink from 6 to 8 beers.... 330ml each..... plus snacks.... so..... thats a real treat.... Otherwise..... if a have enough calories i like to enjoy a tasty Big Mac :wink: ..... wich is around 500 calories.... usually i burn that in 30 min of elliptical training.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    I haven't had many outside of a weekly dinner with family. When I do see a water gain I won't allow anything extra, that doesn't fit macros, until that's down. Most will be for a social setting though, such as tonight will be pizza & wine.

    In the future I want to try a weekly thing such as fitting a recipe I like in but probably monthly will be something outside so I can control the water gain as best as possible.

    I do have small daily treats as I usually need something to fill 200 cals, so might be toast with pb, chocolate, or frozen yogurt.
  • pilarter
    pilarter Posts: 49
    I've been on this journey for 6 weeks, and I haven't really had a cheat yet, not that I consider a cheat anyway. I had steak the other night, but measured it out to a 3 oz portion. I had pasta last night, but I measured my portion and counted my calories, staying well within my limit. My "treats" are 100 calorie packs, or recipes that I modify to be healthier versions. I'm not depriving myself of what I love, I'm making sure that I lose weight and get healthy so that I am not the next one in my family to have a heart attack. "Cheating" to me is going over your calorie limit for the day, or eating things way over proportioned. It's all about serving sizes and making smart choices.

    That´s a good question, as I consider "cheating" going over your calorie limit for the day. This I have done twice in 2 months, and that was 2 days that I was really hungry all day, and I overate healthy food for the whole day. Now I have learnt from this experience, and I have learnt to control hunger (not meaning cravings for any special meal) drinking more water and green tea along the day.
    I am being constant with exercise, which gives me the chance to choose dinner and allow some very dark chocolate or extra nuts almost daily. I stay under my calorie goal, my so-called-treats are still healthy food, though bigger portions, or healthy food high in calories that I wouldn´t "afford" otherwise.
    This way my loss remains the same slow on the scales, and the same fast considering metric tape and %BF.
    Luckily for me, I haven´t had cravings for junky food, as I was not a fan of fast food restaurants before. Some very dark chocolate is all I need when the road to good mood pass through stomach
  • cynfy16
    cynfy16 Posts: 35
    Honestly, when I am craving something sweet or something that is so obviously not good for me I eat it. I just dont eat an entire bag /container, etc. of what it is, because trust me I could. lol But sometimes giving into cravings is a good thing, completely resisting all sweets or what you want isn't gonna help you in the long run. Temptation is always gonna be there so you just gotta get used to it and adjust! :) And remember to ENJOY the cheats you give yourself, dont waste time worrying or feeling guilty about it.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I will allow myself m&ms or ice cream (usually cookie dough). I also will allow myself mac & cheese or french fries. I don't "cheat" though. I always make sure that I have enough calories left to stay within my goal and calulate exactly how much I can eat to stay within range. So if that means only eating 10 m&ms, or three bites of ice cream, or 7 french fries, it's better than nothing.