To Exercise or Not to Exercise? That is the question.

So this would be day 4 of being sick. It's pretty much the common cold (stuffed up nose, sore throat, runny nose, raspy coughing, etc.). I really wanna ride my bike today be of the clouds and weather right now. I live in arizona which it's rare to find a cloudy cool day. Should I just take it easy and not ride my bike today or should I enjoy this rare weather (and get into the 3 digit temperatures)?


  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    If it's in your lungs I wouldn't ride. If it's mostly a head cold I'd do a light easy ride. Nothing strenuous just to get out.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    My personal rule of thumb is, if you feel like exercising, you aren't too sick to do it. Have fun!
  • dexter4564
    dexter4564 Posts: 86 Member
    Well I've had a terrible cold since monday and on the days I tried to exercise this week, no matter how much water I guzzled before, during and after my workouts, I felt horribly dehydrated the following day and it made my symptoms even worse. There could be no connection between the two, but I'd just take it easy for a couple more days and then start fresh when you're feeling better.
    RYFBAR Posts: 45
    If you feel like doing it, do it! You didn't mention a fever, just take it easy and don't get all out of breath, even a relaxing ride is getting ya moving. Sometimes when I been filling sick, when I make myself get up and out of the house, I usually feel better than when I was laying around
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'm in AZ too. It's so pretty out today!!!

    With just a plain old, regular Cold you're best bet is to just go with how you feel. You're safe to exercise ,it won't make you any worse. So listen to your body. If you're feeling weak or tired, then just take it easy. Maybe a short, slow ride. If it's just an annoying stuffy nose and you feel fine otherwise...go for it. The activity and fresh air might actually invigorate you and make you feel even better. Just remember to drink lots of water (I probably don't have to tell a fellow Arizonan that, lol)
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    If you want to be sick for longer, by all means go ahead.

    Your body needs to focus on fighting off the cold, not on exercising and recovering from a workout.