STRUGGLING with workouts!!

First time poster here, but I love coming to the forums for ideas and support. Here's my quandry. I started working out/watching my food about 8 weeks ago. At first I was seriously motivated to workout and enjoyed my workouts. However, lately I'm REALLY struggling with them! I try to switch things up. Sometimes I run on the treadmill, sometimes the elliptical...sometimes I go in the neighborhood or at the park trail, but lately I'm just having such a hard time! I used to be able to power through, but I feel "stuck" in my head lately, where all I do is look at the time and see how much longer I have to continue to torture myself...I don't know. Anyone else out there that's gone through this? This is a lifestyle change I want to make and I want to be able to ENJOY working out, but I don't know how to get there. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Maybe throw some strength training in with your workouts and some core work like squats sit ups lunges push ups etc etc, doing a strictly cardio strength training or even core workout can become extremely boring. Where do you work out?
  • ironmanwannabe
    ironmanwannabe Posts: 81 Member
    You didnt mentioned whether you worked out alone or with other people. Join a running, cycling, tri club. Group workouts will motivate you as everyone pushes everyone around them. Or sign up for an event (5k, 10k, half marathon, sprint tri, mud run). Havent a goal REALLY keeps me on track. I notice that when I dont have a specific event to train for, I am not as motivated to train. Or join run keeper (run Kind of like a facebook for workouts. Add friends (even people you dont know). You will see their workouts and that will motivate you to get yours done.

    One last suggestion is gympact. If you dont do your planned workouts, you pay a certain amount of money. If you do, then they split the money from people who didnt work out to those that did. I havent used it but I thought about it...

    Good luck!
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    remember that exercise is about celebrating and preserving your body's ability to carry your spirit and your emotions to the world. Consider that if you don't take care of this beautiful machinery it may fail you and you will become a burden to others. Find music and exercise videos that absorb you. And if that doesn't work, you need to recruit your inner drill sergeant!
  • Same here! I even reset my weight ticker because I plateaued for so long! Well, I started dancing to Just Dance on my Wii...I'm pretty uncoordinated but it gets my heart rate up and after about an hour I've burned over 400 calories ( I have a HRM). I hope you find something soon, I know how you feel.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    mp3 player--i have a shuffle--full of amazing music while doing cardio. I have a pretty set gym routine of cardio and weight training and i follow it religiously. I then add other stuff--running with the dog, yoga, bellydancing--on top of it. But then, i get up, put my gym clothes on, drive (or walk) over to the gym, and just do it. Is it boring some days? Of course. So is most of life at times. As Yoda says, "There is no try, only do." Nothing holds this more true than your workout...:smile:
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Try something that you find fun. Like Tennis, Volleyball, swimming, or taking a Zumba or Yoga class. If you find something that your interested in it wont feel like a work-out!
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Try starting a program with a schedule like P90x or insanity. It has built in versatility and you don't have to think much, which makes it easier to do. I have also heard good things about zumba and 30 day shred
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    And you should enjoy your workout. Not everyone is into everything. It's good that you change things. Try playing a sport you like. may have games and events where you live. It really is about doing something you like because that will keep you motivated.

    To answer your other question, yes I do have my ups and downs. I'm partial to kettlebells but sometimes I come home from work late and very tired and don't feel like lifting. I used to be able to run in those situations but an injury prevents that so now I just go for a walk. When I want speed, I take my bike out.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I like listening to audiobooks; it gives me something else to think about aside from how long I have left.
  • shawndatrent
    shawndatrent Posts: 3 Member
    Lots of good ideas! Thanks! I work out at a gym by myself most of the time, and I have gone to a class now and then, but the classes are in the evenings and with work and kids, it's kind of challenging to go. I'll definitely look into a lot of these suggestions. Thanks, again!
  • shawndatrent
    shawndatrent Posts: 3 Member
    I like listening to audiobooks; it gives me something else to think about aside from how long I have left.

    I love this idea. I'm definitely going to try and find something to listen to!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The most important thing is finding something you actually enjoy. Or at least, something you enjoy the results of. For example, I find that I hate cardio and find it boring, plus it does nothing for my strength or aesthetics so I do it sparingly. I hit the weight room instead, it's fun and has noticeable benefits.
  • jessichri
    jessichri Posts: 81 Member
    Working out is terrible!! lol I love to zumba. Who doesn't like to shake their butt for an hour or so? I find its much easier to do, especially on those days when you don't want to do anything at all. Once you start dancing around, it doesn't feel as tedious as traditional exercise.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Working out is terrible!! lol I love to zumba. Who doesn't like to shake their butt for an hour or so? I find its much easier to do, especially on those days when you don't want to do anything at all. Once you start dancing around, it doesn't feel as tedious as traditional exercise.

    I get tired just watching Zumba videos on youtube
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    I agree that you have to find something you like. I would watch the timer on my elliptical at home. I would not go through with the 30 day shred. I started just not working out. Until one of my mfp friends suggest I try turbo fire. I started strength training on my home powerhouse gym, and doing cardio with turbo fire. I can seriously work out for two hours and not think twice, or look at the clock once. I LOVE my routine.
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    Like others - the right music! I keep having to edit my MP3 because what I would normally chose to listen to in the car is not necessarily good for the gym - too slow, or things I just have to sing/ dance along too which gets you some really funny looks! I don't think audio books would work for me as I'd get too involved in the book, but we're all different.
    I still struggle some days. Some days when I'm struggling I take my specs off so I can't read the display to see how much longer! I try and set myself small goals - go to the next full minute, the next half km, end of this song.

    I've found classes good to do sometimes, though like you find them hard to get to some times, but I try and go to some circuit style classes to get new ideas. I have also done a bit of work with a PT - I can't afford all that regularly but try and do some as it reminds me how hard I should be working!