is starbucks drinks & food really bad?



  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    Starbucks is bad because their coffee tastes bad! They are good at making the nutrition info available for all their drinks and food. Look up the info and decide if it works for your goals.

    I don't like their coffe at all either, but that Very Berry Hibiscus Starbucks Refreshers is fantabulous!!!!
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    So long as you can fit it into your day there's no problem with it. I just wish they had a sugar-free/lower sugar version of their iced chai latte.
  • AngelaBianco82
    AngelaBianco82 Posts: 91 Member
    I work for here's the skinny.....If you are drinking just coffee or latte with non-fat milk....than okay. If you are having a frap or mocha or fancy type drinks than you want to keep that as a treat instead. All there food like muffins cookies and pastries are higher in sugar than ones you could make a home for yourself, so again only as a treat. Sandwich's and snacks aren't bad....but read the labels and make your educated choices.

    Hope this helps!
  • Hpgirl1890
    Hpgirl1890 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes. I used to drink their coffee everyday during college and I gained SO much. Really not good. I need my dose of caffeine every now and then, so I drink tea.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    As long as you don't get one of the sugar-filled drinks, it's not bad. You can get plain (or sugar free syrup if you don't mind artificial sweeteners) lattes, cappucinos, americanos, mistos, or you can get a tea latte with no (or sugar-free) syrup. You can choose the milk you use. I really dislike the sugar free syrups personally, I usually just get a caffe latte and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    My fave drink is a nonfat caramel macchiato. I only get one or two a month as a treat. And it isn't horrible.
  • kimcool2
    kimcool2 Posts: 2
    I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do occasionally indulge in a skim milk chai tea latte. I prefer to make them at home using the less sweet Oregon Chai (30 cal per 1/2 cup) and unsweetened vanilla almond milk (40 cal per cup). I froth it up with my Aerolatte (you can buy a good one for about $20 at Bed Bath & Beyond) and put a touch of pumpkin spice on top. Give it a try!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Sugar is sugar, fat is fat, and calories are calories, whether they come from a latte, or a bucket of fried chicken.
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    Sugar is sugar, fat is fat, and calories are calories, whether they come from a latte, or a bucket of fried chicken.

    Haha. true!!!
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    I prefer not to drink my calories. I don't feel satisfied if 400 of my calories for a day came from sugary drinks. Starbucks certainly isn't nutritious, especially those shockingly sweet bottled ones, but if you really enjoy them and they fit into your diet I don't think it's going to hurt. Still, making yogurt parfaits isn't hard at all, and personally I would prefer saving money and buying all the ingredients, then adjusting it how I like it.
  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    I get a Venti Caramel Macchiato decaf and non fat. I don't do it every day maybe once a week and it has to fit into my calories/fat for the day. I think that if I say I cant ever have it would make me feel like I couldn't sustain that rule for a lifetime and this is a life change so I say treat yourself sometimes. The pastry case on the other hand I haven't found anything in their that I want to waste my calories and fat on : /....even though they make it seem like there is a healthier choice I kind of disagree (but that could be because I am not giving up on my coffee and to have them both is just too much).
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    I don't but food from Startbucks apart from their fruit cup and herbal teas. Everything in Starbucks seems to have an inordinate amount of calories for what it is. :-/
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I love the muesli yogurt there, but seriously, 30g sugar per one cup?
    also, except american coffee, are the other drinks all bad for losing weight?

    Depends on what you put in them. All the drinks there can be horrific calorie bombs. Most of the drinks there can be made in a way that will fit your calorie and macro goals for the day. I am a Starbucks junkie. It has not hindered my progress in any way at all.
  • deathbypretzel
    On the rare occasion I get a free $5 Starbucks gift card, I'll get an unsweetened Tazo black tea. 0 calories.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Moderation. It's a beautiful thing.


    Yes. Also just make sure you look at the calorie count, I have 100-250 cal drinks a few times a week, but anything more than that and I save them for special occasions or days I'm low.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I don't know about their food, but their coffee is burnt crap. You can even see their lack of attention to proper roasting technique by the sheer number of craters in the beans.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I usually get unflavored drinks with skim milk, so it's not bad. The pastries are another story.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Once in a blue moon I get a mocha frap light. It's only like 180 calories or something, and tastes as good as the 500 calorie ones.
  • OLeoLionessO
    I work at starbucks and try to lose weight. It's a challenge that I face everyday. I'll give you a hint on how to get your starbucks fix!

    Syrups & Sugar have the most calories of all! 1 pump of white mocha is around 90-120 calories PER PUMP! In a tall size there are 3, grande 4 pumps, venti (hot) 5 pumps, venti (iced) 6! You can do the math. Best thing to do is go for the Sugar free version (if you can stand the taste difference) or just do packets of sugar (which you can tell them to add in any of your drinks while they make them)

    MILK! All drinks are made with 2% milk, they have Skim (non-fat) milk, 2%, whole milk w/ vitamin d, heavy cream, half and half (also called breve) and organic vanilla soy. I always go with non fat milk or soy if I do want those extra calories.

    FRAPS ALWAYS HIGH IN CALORIES AND SUGAR! stay away, try to go for the not so popular strawberry lemonade or a smoothie

    Lowest CALORIE DRINKS! Iced and hot coffees, iced and hot teas, americanos and espresso shots.

    If you have anymore questions please message me ! i would love to help out for diet purposes.