First day on MFP: Terrified and Alone

Hey. So... I've been on an on-again off-again binge for like the last 2 weeks. I've gained a whopping 5 pounds, which is kind of scaring me. So I decided I needed the bingeing to stop. I'm also a recovering anorexic so yeah... I'm healthy now, but one of the problems with recovering from an ED is bingeing, which makes me moody, in pain, and unconciously considering a relapse. Instead of hurting myself again, though, I decided to do this the right way. Lose those 5 lbs. via MFP, then learn to maintain safely, not yoyo. Please, I just need some support... Thanks!


  • aperrillioux
    aperrillioux Posts: 115 Member
    I've been on a binge for the last two weeks's killing me but I can't seem to stop. I don't know if it's because TOM came around and then I started lifting, but I've been going CRAZY on chocolates. And Rice Krispie Treats. They're in the vending machine at work and are the bane of my existence. I've had AT LEAST one a day for the last two weeks, I think one day I went up to three...And now I'm back on Hershey's Cookies and Creme chocolate bars. It's like I'm too close to my goal so I'm sabotaging or something? =[ I just want to get back on track.

    BUT! We will get back on track. We can both do it. I think everyone has ups and downs with their food habits, we aren't all perfect 100% of the time. It's just a matter of being aware (which we are) and forcing yourself to buckle down again (which we want to do). So we just need to do it. And MFP is great. I love to read the forums and see the success stories. Welcome!
  • hiimanupa
    hiimanupa Posts: 53
    Actually, I've lost all self control this past week too... like you, it's been an on and off thing. There's a TON of opportunity for support on this forum, trust me! A plenty of us are in the same boat.

    What I'm wondering is, is there a group for people who used to have eating disorders and are now trying to go about things the right way? If not, this really should exist. I think a great source of support for you would be women who've been in a similar position as you-- shows you that you really aren't alone at all.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Don't be scared there are a lot of positive people on this site that will support and push you so you can reach all your goals
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    Wombat, you can do this. Just take it one meal and one day at a time.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672

    There's a group on here to be binge free for 50 days, join anytime, we're all on different days. Just another way to keep yourself accountable, maybe learn something along the way. Good luck, binging sucks.
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Hey, I suffered from bulimia in my 20s so I know where you are coming from and will be happy to help I have been eating disorder free for 12 years and its not been easy. You can do it the healthy way trust and believe x
  • Mywombat555
    Wow... I heard so many positive things about this site... But I'm blown away by all these replies with 30 minutes of me posting. Seriously. I was almost in tears when I came back on and read all these. To all of you with a similar problem - I wish you the best of luck, and blessings. And to all of you who posted merely to welcome and support me - you've made my week. And you've given me a ton of motivation. I WILL get back on track. :) I think I'm gonna like MFP... :)
  • Mywombat555
    Oh, thanks for replying with all the encouragement. :) I believe in you. We all go through times like that, and TOM - when I started getting mine back after I started eating more, I was PISSED! ;) Being a female certainly sucks sometimes... But don't worry. Keep working. Thanks for everything, you seriously helped me a ton today. I'm ready to start anew tomorrow. :D
  • Mywombat555
    Thanks for the group, I'll join!