Cravings Galore Today! Help!!

So I am struggling big time, first time in 7wks its been this bad. Its Day 2 of ToM so cravings/hormones are elevated & I am desperately craving junk (choc, McDs, pizza). Its our son's bday, normally we pick up supper for us all to celebrate, take him out for ice cream & have cake. Thats not happening. Instead the kids are getting their supper picked up, hubby & I are cooking at home. But I feel like he is missing out on a nice celebration today (he is more then happy however & did have a party last wknd) bc we aren't doing any of our usual bday celebration stuff. I feel like a crappy mom. He asked for ice cream this afternoon while out to the store & I said no although if I can settle my cravings by tomorrow when we go bowling we might take them both for ice cream but just won't have any ourselves. I was SO tempted to just say screw it & get the pizza, hubby talked me out of it saying I would regret it on Monday at weigh in esp since I've been so busy this week planning bday stuff, Easter daycare party, Easter for my own kids that I didn't get alot of exercise in.

Now I am in a bad mood & Easter is tomorrow, temptation all over again. To make it worse, going to go through this all again 2wks from now on our daughters bday!

What do you do when ur kids birthdays come around? Do you enjoy it like usual or deny yourself & them the bad habits? I did allow myself a small piece of his cake at lunchtime but that is all. If we were further into this & our kids bdays weren't 2wks apart then I might give in on the pizza for supper but skip the ice cream/cake but up to this point I said that my own bday would be the only day I would allow myself to have whatever treats I wanted, in moderation, bc my bday isn't until the fall so I would have months under my belt & better control (I hope!)


  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    When I'm on the wagon, I allow myself to do what you did: small amount of cake or ice cream, but try to make healthy choices otherwise. And for myself, I find that if I keep my carb intake low enough (below 200g/day), I don't crave that stuff as much. TOM is always a challenge, so you can try to satisfy that craving with something sweet but not carb-y (do you like mint tea? that works for me). And don't worry, he's not going to be cursing you when he's 30, recalling that one birthday when you didn't order pizza for him. :smile: