What change should I make?

My story: Female, 27% body fat, 22 years old, vegetarian. MFP says 1620 cals a day, but I go by TDEE calculation and eat around 1800. I shoot for under 200g of carbs and at least 100g of protein a day. Usually I get pretty close to this.

I haven't been losing for months. I went to a doctor and got blood work done. Everything looks great. He suggested reducing my caloric intake to 1200-1300, but when I tried that for a brief period, I was dizzy and such while working out.

I work out 5-6 days a week. Monday and Wednesday are Zumba (so full body cardio). Four other days I do weights (split into two upper body and two lower body workouts). On those days, I limit cardio to 20 min running or 30 min elliptical. I usually make all workouts except maybe one.

I am worried that I am not eating enough to really build muscle, but that tiny bit of extra muscle is making my weight stay where it is. Now, I am not too horribly worried about weight, but I haven't lost any inches either, which means I am stuck where I am.

I want to change my routine to try to change something! Here are my options...
- Cut out weight training to maximize cardio... however, then i'm scared I won't lose or i'll just look flabby as I lose.
-Cut out cardio to maximize weight training... however, when I did P90X awhile, I gained sooo much muscle and never lost the fat.. I looked gigantic and felt horrible about myself.
-Some combination of something... Like weight training twice a week or cardio only in zumba.

I really want to do the right thing. The doctor couldn't help me, and a nutritionist just tells me to keep doing what I'm doing. Does anyone have any suggestions or been in this situation? I have a good deal of muscle already since I was a gymnast my whole life, hence why I am already bigger than most girls. I really don't think only weight training is the right thing for me...



  • amandastaffonyadav
    amandastaffonyadav Posts: 2 Member
    Have you taken a look at when you eat your meals? Do you eat a meal with balanced (not equal) carbs and protein within 45 min of exercising? This helps to build muscle.
  • tassshhhaaa
    tassshhhaaa Posts: 29 Member
    Have you taken a look at when you eat your meals? Do you eat a meal with balanced (not equal) carbs and protein within 45 min of exercising? This helps to build muscle.

    Yeah, I almost always have a homemade protein shake after workouts. If not, i'll have something like cottage cheese or greek yogurt. If for some reason a meal isn't really balanced, like a bagel for breakfast, for lunch i'll try to eat low-carb to balance things out. I eat three meals a day, with snacks throughout the day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Opening your diary might help?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Right off the block (without looking at your diary or anything) i would say your activity level is AT LEAST moderately active and your TDEE is probably higher than you calculated. Sounds to me like you should eat more - even if just for 2 weeks to see if it works. I had to increase three times to start losing again.
  • tassshhhaaa
    tassshhhaaa Posts: 29 Member
    Right off the block (without looking at your diary or anything) i would say your activity level is AT LEAST moderately active and your TDEE is probably higher than you calculated. Sounds to me like you should eat more - even if just for 2 weeks to see if it works. I had to increase three times to start losing again.

    Really nervous to up again.. maybe i'll try just a little bit more or just try redoing the formula. Thanks.
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    I have been in a similar situation recently. It was so frustrating. I eventually developed an overuse injury in my foot (I was working out 5-6 days a week between running, HIIT session and pilates). I ended up taking 10 days off completely from working out to let my foot heal, and in that time, my weight finally started to move! What I learned is that I was definitely under eating when working out. I was netting 1000-1200 calories because I wasn't hungry after workouts. During my rest break I was eating 1500 and pretty much sedentary and lost 2lbs, and the weight has continued to come off at a pace of 1-2lbs/week now that I am netting 1500-1600 calories. I really think my body was exhausted and I needed a break, and more fuel!