revamping my goals/ starting over

I am one that tend to spread myself to thin and take on to many challenges so I am going to revamp my goals on my weight loss journey. I do better doing mini goals on the things I would like to accomplish.

Katie's new goals:

1. Go without weighing on the scale for awhile ( I tend to scale obess and let the scale dictate my life.

2. Find my proper calories to get me to the goal weight I want to get to

3. Eat more but eat healthy ( fruits, Vegetables, Meats)

4. Drink more water and on a daily basis

5. go from lightly active to active

6. customize my own healthy menu plan for breakfast, snacks, dinner, lunch

7. customiize my own work out plan

Tuesdays, Thrusdays Sundays I work out at my daughter's school fitness room the equipment there is:
The Nordic Track, Stationary bike, leg lifting machine, weight lifting machine, dumb bells weights

the other two days I need to find out what I would enjoy doing for a work out to make it fun

8. be positive and surround myself with positive people who will encourage me and motivate me

9. continue with my undereating/ binge eating rehab courses yes I undereat 90% and binge 10%

10. Sweets and Junk food are both my biggest weaknesses i need to give them up for a season

11. join groups that will help me on the things I want to accomplish

12. find a realistic goal weight for myself that would be reachable and attainable for me.


  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member

    3. Eat more but eat healthy ( fruits, Vegetables, Meats)

    4. Drink more water and on a daily basis

    7. customiize my own work out plan

    Tuesdays, Thrusdays Sundays I work out at my daughter's school fitness room the equipment there is:
    The Nordic Track, Stationary bike, leg lifting machine, weight lifting machine, dumb bells weights

    the other two days I need to find out what I would enjoy doing for a work out to make it fun

    10. Sweets and Junk food are both my biggest weaknesses i need to give them up for a season

    12. find a realistic goal weight for myself that would be reachable and attainable for me.

    My advice:
    3. Try some new foods! Go to a health food store to get some ideas. Also, check out recipes or message boards. Even if you're not vegetarian, check out some of the info about vegetarian/vegan/plant based people because I've been told (by friends who have eaten my food at potlucks) that I really know how to cook veggies (as a plant based eater).

    4. For more water, try using different containers. I always take several containers with me to work and know that I have to drink them all before I leave. :)

    7. Try the youtube fitness channel Be Fit. I do the Jillian Michael's video "30 day shred" level 1 right now and love it! I will be bored of it soon, but I know there are more videos on youtube, plus my own dvds. :)

    10. For giving up sweets, try eating only things with ingredients that you can pronounce and sound like food. That alone will cut out a HUGE amount of sweets and junk food! There are a lot of people that eat this way on MFP, so look for some kindred spirits (I am one of them!).

    12. Start with a weight goal somewhere on the upper range for your height. My range for a 5'5" woman is 120-150 pounds. My first weight goal (for Weight Watchers) was 142 pounds. Now that I have maintained that for several years with gaining only about 10-15 at a time, I would like to move down to somewhere between 130 and 135. It's hard to tell what would be a good goal weight, especially if you've been heavy for awhile. I weigh less now than when I graduated high school! :)

    Good luck on your journey and remember that it is a journey and that you have to put things into place that will last a lifetime. :)
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    the weight range for my height is 117-146 pounds. so my first goal is the highest range to reach 146 pounds.

    will be checking the be fit channel 30 day shred on monday thanks so much
  • ak_honda
    ak_honda Posts: 60 Member
    I drink a lot of green or black tea at work, it helps me get my water intake without drinking just plain water.

    I really enjoy Honest Tea Green Tea (just the plain one without anything, it only has about 5mg of sodium and that's it).

    Veggies are my #1 favorite thing to eat - more than anything. I've always been like that though forever. I always joke with my husband that I could become a vegetarian and be happy - he likes his meat so sometimes we struggle with dinner and me not wanting meat. ;-p in the end I just tell him make what he wants and i'll eat everything but that!
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Keep it simple and don't beat yourself up