Vacation Strategy

I've almost achieved my weight loss goal, and now I have 10 days in Maui coming up with Mrs. Seaduck in May. I know from past trips that my caloric intake over there (which I have NO intention of minding) will be about 3500 calories a day, which means that even if I run 8 miles every morning, I will put on a pound or two. I expect to hit my goal of 175 lbs. (I'm 6' 1") before I leave.

So here are my potential strategies:
1) Try to lose 5 more pounds before I go, and let what I gain just eat into that.
2) Screw working out altogether while there, and deal with the weight gain when I get back.
3) Try a more balanced approach of working out some while avoiding the huge calorie days.

What strategies do you all use for vacations?


  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Had this dilemma last fall when I took my kids to Disney.I love the restaurants there.

    Honestly,We we're so busy I didn't gain an ounce.Relaxing on the beach is a little different.

    Swim in the ocean,run on the beach together ( or walk) Enjoy all the wonderful produce.

    Have fun! What's a pound or two?
  • Fast_Track
    Fast_Track Posts: 33 Member
    When I go on vacation, I make it a point to work out in the mornings -- maybe every other day. I am much more lenient with what I eat, but I don't abandon my diet all together.

  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    We vacation twice a year, and I never gain weight on holidays, despite the fruity drinks, the buffet bars, the general laziness on the beach. We do lots of walking anyway, also swimming, and dancing. The buffets provide lots of fresh choices and less processed foods than at home.

    I say enjoy your vacation. It is a holiday after all. You should know by now what your day of food looks like, and go with that. Do exercise as part of your trip, walking, sightseeing, try surfing or sailboarding.

    Have a great time!
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I try to take a balanced approach. I still exercise and try to stick somewhat to my diet (although I do allow myself a couple of meals where I have absolutely anthing I want) but I always come back 5 lbs up. Some of it is water and in a day or two most of it goes away leaving a pound or two that I own.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I go to Maui every year for 4 to 5 weeks, so I do need to have a strong strategy that I can stick to. But I have the feeling that it may be too conservative for you, but it is what I like and what works for me. You are only going for 10 days so even if you eat more and exercise less you may not have a problem. In my experience, it takes my body close to 2 weeks to "detect" any changes in my workout routine or eating habits; after that, I am in trouble.

    1) I don't go to the gym but I workout in the condo few times a week. Planks, pushups, bridges, sit ups, etc. and any exercise that I can do with resistance bands. I do take workout DVDs, with me but I admit that most of the time I don't use them because my husband takes control of the TV.

    2) Two to three times a week I do a 5 miles walk in the beach. It is a killer walking in the sand, but very effective. It takes my husband and I between 2 and 3 hrs, depending on the pace. I may also take additional 30 to 45 minutes walks during the week, just by myself.

    3) I don't drink; just a little bit of wine here and there, but I don't like tropical drinks and my stomach can't handle alcohol too well either. Getting old sucks, but it also saves me lots of calories.

    4) We only have one meal out a day. Not that my husband is happy with this arrangement (he knows that I don’t like to cook), but it saves money and calories. When eating out, I ask for veggies instead of white rice, and I go for fish and salads. Maui restaurants cater mostly local produce (Kula Farms), so the veggies are fresh and naturally made and the fish preparations are delicious.

    5) I don’t care for sweets, so we usually have local fruits with yogurt for desert.

    Have a great vacation.


    Edit to add: At the most, I gain 1 to 2 lbs in a month, and it is mostly water. Within a week I am back to normal.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I've almost achieved my weight loss goal, and now I have 10 days in Maui coming up with Mrs. Seaduck in May. I know from past trips that my caloric intake over there (which I have NO intention of minding) will be about 3500 calories a day, which means that even if I run 8 miles every morning, I will put on a pound or two. I expect to hit my goal of 175 lbs. (I'm 6' 1") before I leave.

    So here are my potential strategies:
    1) Try to lose 5 more pounds before I go, and let what I gain just eat into that.
    2) Screw working out altogether while there, and deal with the weight gain when I get back.
    3) Try a more balanced approach of working out some while avoiding the huge calorie days.

    What strategies do you all use for vacations?

    My husband and I leave for 8 days in Hawaii on Thursday. On previous vacations I was still trying to lose weight and was pretty strict with myself, and lost weight each time. Now however I'm within my healthy weight range, and losing weight is much more difficult. I intend to still be strict with myself about tracking everything, and maintaining some sort of workout schedule, but I've set my calorie goal at maintenance and I just want to stay with in my healthy weight range.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Just relax and enjoy your vacation. Don't go nuts, but giving your mind and body a break is healthy. I didn't go crazy and gained 10+ last vacation. I was back to my starting weight in 7 or 8 days.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm not going anywhere exotic, but cooked breakfast is part of the deal (and its illegal not to eat a cooked breakfast that someone else will cook and wash up AND that is paid for, right?:wink: )

    We will be most of the day walking around, and alsthough we will have a big meal at night we probably won't have much in the middle of the day as we'll be full from breakfast - in theory!

    My plan is to avoid fries at lunchtime, and avoid beer full stop - I can have 4 x G&T(slimline) in exchange for a pint! I'm going to se my calories to maintenance (if I can find out how to do that) and track, but not worry about going over. I'm only away 3 mights!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Going to Chicago and LA this summer and I never worry about eating healthy or getting my daily exercise in when I am on vacation. I don't think it would be sane to do so. You are ON VACATION, you should be doing what you love. If that is being active, go ahead. I will be hiking in the hills of LA a lot. But I promise you I will be eating so much! Too much good food there that you can't get here (terrible things like In-N-Out, IHOP, Panda Express, Sprinkles Cupcakes). But I really don't care if I can 5-7 lbs, I will lose it again when I am back home :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I like door #3 best but any of these options will work. Personally, probably want to go, have fun, don't throw caution to the wind but if you gain a pound or three, what have you lost... Enjoy your stay and next year take us with you... ;-)
  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 448 Member
    So if you are on vacation in Hawaii,

    1) Go for a run or walk on the beach every morning. You will likely be more active all day.

    2) Swim, snorkel, play in the water. It's fun.

    3) drink lots of water. drink two glasses of water before happy hour. You will drink less. Have water on the table during dinner with wine and make sure you drink a glass of water during dinner. You will probably drink a bit less.

    4) Eat fruit. Fresh mango is awesome for breakfast. have one every day. Fresh pineapple for snacks.

    Other than that , do what you want to do and have an awesome time
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in June, and I plan on indulging because it's VACATION!

    That said, I'm going to work out in the gym every morning, and also take hikes and walk the beaches whenever we're in port. I usually gain a few pounds on vacation, but it's worth it to me. I'll just get right back on track once I'm home again.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    #2 ...enjoy!

    Take advantage of the wonderful bounty of the islands--fresh fish, fruits, vegetables and playing in nature. Sip fruity drinks at sunset, dance under the stars, forget about your cares and worries...that's what real people do on Hawaiian vacations. Carry on with your normal lifestyle when you return. Aloha!
  • Seaduck79
    Seaduck79 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, all! I had a bit of an epiphany this morning as I walked past a mostly empty cookie jar. I think that in those moments when I still have some calories that I COULD use on a snack, I'll ask myself if I would rather have what I'm thinking about right now, or a Mai Tai or slice of Hula Pie in Maui. Because the calories will be the same, as will my need to burn them off sometime.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    That's what I do - if I fancy a snack I make my cup of tea and drink half - then if I am still desperate for the snack I have it, but mostly I think - no, I'll save those calories for later. (Later spelt w....i...n...e :laugh: )
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Just back from my vacation - even on maintennce I was under one day as we spent soooo much time walking But I'm going to have calories to spare - as I came down with norovirus at midnight last night nad have had barely anything today:sick: Not the best way to save calories!!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    My strategy -
    I try to get a workout in. For the most part it's easy when I go somewhere tropical. There is nothing better than running on the beach for me so its not a "workout" it's enjoying the trip. I don't beat myself up if I don't do something everyday.

    My food strategy is eat decent meals for two then whatever I want for the third. For two I focus on getting veggies, some fruit and some lean protein (I don't need to focus on carbs they are the easiest for me to get). Then I'll try some of the less healthier options. At supper I get what I want.