Intermittent Fasting Schedule question. Workout related

I'm researching intermittent fasting and want to do 16/8, but am concerned with how to do it best with my lifting schedule. I get up at 3-4 am and go to bed at 10 pm. I lift at7:30-9 pm. I can't adjust my schedule. Will I benefit from IR? I was thinking of setting my eating schedule from 1-9pm with my last meal being my post work out. Suggestions??


  • Nordichorseman
    Nordichorseman Posts: 12 Member
    If you haven't already, check out Martin Berkhan at leangains. Got to search around a bit but a great resource.
  • KetoIF
    KetoIF Posts: 2
    That is a tough schedule, are you sure there is no room for flexibility? Preferably consume smaller meals pre-workout and your largest meal (50%) during your feeding window post workout. But you also want to avoid consuming too much carbohydrates or going to bed with a full stomach... Is it is possible, I would adjust your workout to one-two hour earlier or delay your bed time one hour later? Hope this helps.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Search for the IF group on here. They are great and you'll probably get a lot more answers.
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    Thanks guys. I have been reading like crazy, and loved Martin's info. Leangains was a fabulous resource. I wish I could adjust my schedule to an earlier workout time everyday, but right now I have 3 out of six lifting days where I can't get to the gym until 7:30 pm. The other days, I am there at about 4:00 pm, unless my daughter has sports. Today, for example, is a day where I get to go lift early. I wake at 4 am, then work until 4 pm. I will break my fast at 2 pm and have a pre workout meal with higher complex carbs and a small amount of fats, and normal protein. I will lift at 4:30, then eat my post workout meal at 6 pm. I will have simple carbs, normal protein, and higher complex carbs. No fats. Then I will eat my final meal at 9 pm, which will be high in fats, normal protein, and no carbs.
    On late lifting days, I wake at 4 am, break my fast at 2 pm and lift at 7:30 pm. I will have four meals, 2 pre workout meals, 1 post workout meal, then a small bedtime meal. I plan on having the same macro break down, except I will split the one prework meal into two meals, then keep the post workout and bedtime meal the same. Does that sound reasonable? I would stretch my bedtime out later, but when I only get 5-6 hours of sleep as is, I'm not willing to sacrifice more sleep. Any suggestions on adjustments to this plan?