emotional binge eating

Hi! My names kricket and I'm 26yrs old. I'm a severe emotional binge eater, whether it be happy or sad emotions I tend to binge. I'm trying to overcome this once and for all. I need help. Advice, comments, books, etc ... thank you all. Feel free to add me!


  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi Kricket I'm Donna and I too have suffered with this for many many years. The best advice I could give you is what I know to be true. That is take it day by day, moment by moment. They say it takes sixty days to break a habit and so far I am going on day 290! I do slip up here and there but I catch myself now, FORGIVE myself, and move on! I dont wallow, I dont stay there long. The days are getting easier though, I can control my body more and more the more I LOVE myself! I use water as a secret weapon and sugar free gum or candies. Just remember that you are in control of your body! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! There are so many great people on MFP who want to help you and suport you and who have gone through this too! Just remember to love yourself and forgive yourself and before you know it you will be on day 290 and realize "wow I can do this! I AM DOING THIS! "

    know that you are not alone and you CAN do this!!!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    Hi Kricket join this group on mfp feelings and food.

    I share your struggles and am fightining everyday. these ladies are a huge help.
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    there is a program desgined just for that. I get their weekly emails and enjoy them, but did not do the program. I guess it can be quite helpful.

  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    Hi Kricket, I'm about to check out the couple of things recommended in this post. do you know what your triggers are? i'm always craving chocolate about 4:30-7 :'( how about seeing if we can cut out these things from our diet together with a starting date in mind, say this tues? what do ya think? if you'd like to, add me and see if we can do this together x
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Kricket, I remember in our WW groups once the leader said raise your hand if you are an emotional eater and the whole room raised their hands. That's why we were there. :-)

    The thing that worked for me -- and I don't advocate this for everyone. I tried it because it worked for my brother who was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. I knew this family history meant that I was at increased risk for developing T2 so I thought why wait until it gets me.

    My brother was able to lose 40 pounds and is off all medication on a high fat, low carb diet. I've lost 10 pounds in two months doing it.

    I'm only sharing this because the part that you might find interesting is that after three very strict days of no carbs, I completely lost all food cravings -- and they have never come back.

    I now eat no sugar, no flour, no pasta or potatoes -- all of the foods that I used to have overpowering urges to eat -- and I don't miss them.

    If you are interested in the diet google LCHF for beginners. It's pretty easy to follow. You don't even have to track food if you don't want to.
  • mizzbiggz11
    mizzbiggz11 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Donna. Your encouragement helps me on my journey for healthier living!! One day at at a time.
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    Geneen Roth has a some great books about it. I'm reading women God and food right now. Today I ate fairly well but after dinner I felt full but still had this want to binge- I was trying to figure out why- what was it that ivwas actually looking for. I find that is the question that needs to be asked. What is the binge trying to fill?
  • MountainMoverJosh
    If you are always doing the hand to mouth motion, then your mind is trained to do it. I went through the same thing with smoking. Always had to have something in between my fingers and going to my mouth. That battle went back and forth and I failed many times until I decided that I hated cigarettes and that the motion was irrelevant.

    Unfortunately, chips and Cheez-its are awesome, so you can't just hate them. So you need to take half steps. Forcing yourself to quit grabbing the bag all at once will only force you to relapse sometime down the road. So, grab a bag of carrots and use ranch as dipping sauce, or something like that. Take the whole damn veggie platter (i love me some cucumbers heehee!). But I understand it. It can be tough. I don't diet for sure ( I am sitting at a McD right now sipping on Diet DP). But you just have to find something that works for you. This weaning off thing may not work for you, but it is something to try! Good luck!
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello, I too am an emotional binge eater. :ohwell:

    I crave sweets--mostly chocolate chip cookies, ice cream and occasionally Hot Tamales or Mike & Ike's--and when I start eating them I can't ... no, WON'T ... stop until I've satisfied my craving, not my calorie count.

    If I get out of the store without buying sweets I'm okay even when the cravings hit at home because if there's nothing for me to binge on I get by with either a cup of tea or maybe an Oikos or Chobani yogurt, if I have any.

    I occasionally crave salty things like potato or taco chips and salsa. The other day I tried a new flavor of Triscuit wafers -- brown rice with read beans and roasted peppers -- and they are just awesome. They are much better for you than chips and they taste great!

    I'm going to look into the Shrink Yourself site. I need to continue working on portion control and finding alternatives for when I need to satisfy the urge to put something into my mouth. I write a lot so that tends to be quite often. :frown:

    Good luck!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Here's the group on this site that deals just with this. It has a monthly binge-free challenge and other topics. I am in this group, and I think you will find it very helpful.

  • MountainMoverJosh
    "Hello. My name is Bob, and I love food."
    "Hi Bob!"
  • mizzbiggz11
    mizzbiggz11 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow thank you all for advice and tips. Hopefully we can all conquer and defeat this binge thing once and for all!
  • mizzbiggz11
    mizzbiggz11 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Bob! I love food too!