88 pounds down after twins!

Hey everyone.
I just wanted to post because, well, if I can do this, then I know you can too!

After a history of disordered eating, I was terrified of getting pregnant. I wanted a baby but I was SO scared of getting fat because I thought that after pregnancy, it was OVER.

Then I got pregnant with TWINS. While I was excited, I was also terrified for obvious reasons, but also because I knew it meant that I was probably going to be heavy for the rest of my life. With twins and a job and a life..who has time to exercise every day?

I gained over 60 pounds, and had the twins at 37 weeks. I was miserable in my body and ready for a change.

Thank goodness for Zumba Fitness! I used to take classes back bbefore kids...and decided that I would try to get back into it in an attempt to get my old body back. 60 pounds to be back at pre-pregnany weight seemed absolutely impossible...but before I knew it, I was addicted to the class and decided that I might want to become an instructor...so I made that my first goal, and then GOT STUBBORN. You have to be MORE stubborn than the fat!

I compiled a whole bunch of images documenting the process, so I thought I would share it with you guys. IT IS POSSIBLE. Just be more stubborn than the fat. I do Zumba 5 days per week, no exceptions. Thats 5 hours of cardio per week (plus running around after toddler twins) and I continued to watch what I eat, cutting way back on my carbs and sugar, but not cutting them out, because then I am likely to binge on them later. Anyway, I ended up losing way past my goal weight in the end, so, HERE'S the proof! If I can do it, anyone can. (though it is nice to get paid to exercise, it also means I can't bail at the last minute, ever, or else everyone would have to miss class too, and I'd have some disappointed Zumba students...so the obligation really helps and is a good reason to have a Zumba buddy!)

See it larger here: http://i960.photobucket.com/albums/ae87/emilymoss/timeline.jpg


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    Did you have any loose skins? IF so, how'd you get rid of it?
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    You look amazing! Awesome job!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Did you have any loose skins? IF so, how'd you get rid of it?

    Yes, i definitely have 'twin skin' - and there's no getting rid of it, especially after losing this much weight. Luckily for me, the area above my belly button has very few stretch marks, but below my belly button didn't faire so well, so I wear boy short bikinis and try to keep a tan to help disguise them.