Bikram's Hot Yoga Calorie Count?

Hi - By using the Bikram's website calculator ( I figured out I burn off about 10 cals per minute practicing hot yoga. This seems a little high to me. What count do others use?


  • yerfgirl
    yerfgirl Posts: 65 Member
    I just log it as regular yoga. I'd rather under estimate calories burned than over estimate.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    I've used my HRM and burned an avg of 500 calories per 75 min session.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    HRMs DO NOT work accurately with thermal stress. Just the heat raises your heartbeat but does not burn calories. That calorie estimate will be way higher than your actual burn.
  • I found that most web calorie counters exaggerate a lot. The best advise is to use a heart rate monitor for a session and then you can use that as baseline.
    I started vinyasa flow yoga and most online calculators counted around 6-800 calories for a 90-minute session, however, when I used my HRM it only counted about 300 calories.
    Same happened when I tried looking for the calorie burn of a kettlebell session: in a 45 min session I burn about 400 calories (sweating and panting), while the online calculators would say around 800-1000 calories.
    It's a bummer. To be honest at first I was a little disappointed by how hard I need to work to get those calories burnin'..
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I wouldn't trust the online calculators for bikram yoga, they greatly over estimate. If you do have to use it, cut the calorie burn in half.

    The calculator said I would burn 800 calories during 90 minutes, but my HRM told me 450 max.
  • From the online calculate it says I burnt 1089 calories. No way... I will probably count as regular yoga for now.
  • I have not seen an accurate calorie count for a Bikram yoga class. I will tell you that I sweat harder in Bikram than on even a long intense run, so I'm sure you burn a ton! The heat add to a thermogenic effect of the exercise which makes it particular beneficial to those trying to burn fat. If you find any accurate counts please let me know as well. I think I'm just going to put in 90 minutes of yoga and see what that comes up with. Namaste
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have not seen an accurate calorie count for a Bikram yoga class. I will tell you that I sweat harder in Bikram than on even a long intense run, so I'm sure you burn a ton! The heat add to a thermogenic effect of the exercise which makes it particular beneficial to those trying to burn fat. If you find any accurate counts please let me know as well. I think I'm just going to put in 90 minutes of yoga and see what that comes up with. Namaste

    No, the heat makes you more fatigued, but does not significantly add to calorie burn. For those advocating the use of HRMs--they aren't that accurate for either bikram yoga or regular yoga.

    Neither of these activities are huge calorie burners. That's just the way the physiological ball bounces. It doesn't take away from the benefits and it doesn't mean they can't be part of an effective weight loss program. Even if the burn is only in the 200-400 per hour range, if you do it for 90 minutes, that's still a decent chunk of calories. And there are plenty of other physical/mental benefits as well.
  • Annabelle78
    Annabelle78 Posts: 2 Member
  • Annabelle78
    Annabelle78 Posts: 2 Member
    I've used my HRM and burned an avg of 500 calories per 75 min session.

    Thats good to know as Im about the same age as you, although I know iuts based on weight and height too. Also the class I do is 90 mins
  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    I would say that the websites exaggerate it but I also think MFP is seriously undervaluing hot yoga. IF you are actually burning 300-400 cals more you should be eating at least some of those back.

    MFP says I burn 250 cals. Bikram says I burn 992.

    I imagine its somewhere in the middle. but I do think it's being undervalued on here and you should consider that when counting it because if you aren't eating enough to make back some of the calories you burn your weight loss will slow down.
  • well- everybody puts in different effort- some may burn 600-800,
    while other burn 350-500....
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    HRMs DO NOT work accurately with thermal stress. Just the heat raises your heartbeat but does not burn calories. That calorie estimate will be way higher than your actual burn.

    I agree.
  • miacuorex3
    miacuorex3 Posts: 6
    Maybe this is helpful

    I always try to look for a formula instead of using the automatic calculators that are so easy to find online. It does seem a bit high, but at least it's explained. And again, it's only an approximation!
  • It seems high to me also. I just started Bikram Yoga yesterday, and according to my instructor, in 90 minutes i will burn anywhere from 600-1,000 calories. When i use online calculators that factor in my weight, they all tell me i am burning up to 953 calories. (i am 140 lbs). It just seems too good to be true.
  • Exactly, and weight has a lot to do with it also.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Maybe this is helpful

    I always try to look for a formula instead of using the automatic calculators that are so easy to find online. It does seem a bit high, but at least it's explained. And again, it's only an approximation!

    Because a page titled "bikram yoga benefits" is the first place I would go for an objective analysis.

    Big surprise--the calorie information on this page is utter nonsense.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    According to 3 different sites I have consulted, Bikram hot yoga burns significantly more calories than other types of yoga. I believe's tough and my friends that do it are all in incredilby great shape! Also P90x Yoga burns a ton of calories. Anyway, as a woman over 200 lbs, I put my burn at least 600cal/hr. Hope that helps!
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I used my HRM once and burned 860cals in a 90 minute session.