Need help to stay on track!!

suzyanne Posts: 50
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

I've been a member of myfitnesspal for a long time, off and on, but I've never actually put anything on here or been in contact with anyone other than those I know personally. So, I've decided to put myself out there and try to build my support system. I feel like I'm slowly losing this battle and, don't get me wrong, I'M NOT GIVING UP!! My weight is at an all time high. Every time I think I'm doing well, I "fall off the wagon". I don't know how to explain this and I'm not trying to justify it...what it boils down to is that I LOVE food!! I tell myself that I can have everything in moderation...but the moderation is a challenge. I get myself into a great workout routine, then life gets in the way. My goal is to lose 32 pounds - I'm currently at 177. Some days, I don't feel I look it. I'm not particularly big and I've got a fairly athletic body type. I'd just like to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I'd like to see pictures of myself and not have 'ham-arm' (as I like to call it). I'd like to be able to wear shorts and feel like my legs don't look flabby...or have a muffin top. I know part of this is toning up, but my fear is, that when I build muscle, I actually get bigger because of my athletic body type. I do watch my calories and try to make healthy just seems so hard when I see the scale go up! I don't know what to do!! :brokenheart: Someone please tell me I can do this!


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    You can do it!
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
  • cgreer4
    cgreer4 Posts: 6
    I struggle with the same things you do on a daily basis. Believe in yourself. Focus on the good you have done and not on how much more you have to go. We all have our ups and downs. Just know you are not alone!!! You can do this! :)
  • oicurun2
    oicurun2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey we all need a support system. I am a mother of 2 and run a daycare at my home. I get jealous of my working friends when they talk about weight watcher meetings at work and getting to go for a walk with co-workers on lunch break. Meanwhile I am at home chasing 10-12 kids around fixing meal after meal. breakfast-morning snack-lunch-afternoon snack-dinner! sometimes I feel like all I do is make food-serve food-eat food- clean up food. I try to feed them healthy foods but lets face it kids want treats too so then I find myself eating treats with them. I feel like I have no support from my friends because they are all quite a bit bigger than I am. I am about 15-20 pounds overweight and they are closer to 40-50 so they all give me crap when I try to get support from them. "oh come on you don't need to lose weight" is something I hear often. Good for you putting yourself out there for all us strangers to contact. had I not read your post I would have not posted anything. You were my inspiration. Thank you.
  • oicurun2
    oicurun2 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow I so needed that. I was suprised to have a message on here. Thank you so much. I clicked on your profile and was surprised to see you had 2 boys in their teens you do not look your age. I would have guess you to be around my age early 30's Keep up whatever you are doing to stay young any secrets of youth you would like to share would be great. Thanks for the vote of confidence and keep up your great progress
  • sarahcscott3
    sarahcscott3 Posts: 31 Member
    You are not alone! I have very similar starting weights and goals. I know how hard it is to stay on track too. Hang in there - keep fighting the good fight!
  • suzyanne
    suzyanne Posts: 50
    Thank you all...and Oicurun2, I'm glad that my rant helped you speak out. It's really great to know that, when you feel alone and defeated, people are listening...all you have to do is speak.
  • Hi- I'm new to this site- the biggest help has been doing the daily food diary- makes me accountable!! Good luck
  • ZiaLater
    ZiaLater Posts: 23
    I am her co-worker and I think she looks great, but I understand that she needs to be comfortable with herself. She's motivated me more than she realizes and without her help and her support, I wouldn't have lost what I have today. So, what goes around comes around, I'm here for ya my clammy vessel dude pal :) !!!!!!!
  • suzyanne
    suzyanne Posts: 50
    Awww..thanks Zia! I'm glad I can help you stay motivated...and I think you're doing a great job!! :bigsmile:
  • suzyanne
    suzyanne Posts: 50
    Well, I've been away on holiday for the past 2 weeks. I started my adventure with every good intention of keeping track of myself, even if I couldn't get online to log it...just write it down to keep track....yeah...that lasted 2 days!!! AHHHHH!!! So, here I am, back to life in the "real world" and today will be my 900th attempt at "day 1". This is so freaking frustrating!!!
  • sillysuzy
    sillysuzy Posts: 4
    Stay on track. And if you veer off track, don't beat yourself up about it. Just get back on track. Remember it takes a while to change old habits - it's not an overnight thing. And commit to it being a lifestyle change - forever. Incremental changes work best. Baby steps to success.
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