What am I doin wrong?

I know you're not sposed to see much change in two weeks but damn, the scale went up two pounds the first week and went down one pound the second week.

I excersize for60 min a day 4-5 times a week. I don't eat junk anymore and I'm totally on top of it,
I need any motivation and support you guys can throw at me. I feel like maybe I'm not doin something right.

How long did it take you notice a change?
I'm not talking about when other people noticed I mean when did you feel better?
What kind of routines did you do?

Did you do different things each day etc...?

I'm really needing support..
Friend me or message me or anything!



  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Are you eating enough? How many calories are you aiming for? What kind of exercise are you doing? Everyone is different. I'm a Mesomorph. I dropped lbs in the first days, every day. I did 3 days of cardio and 3 days of weights, about 30-40 minutes. Ate very healthy, regularly, drank a lot of water (2L). I really think the scale doesn't tell you the whole story though. Do your clothes feel tighter? Loose? How is your energy level? How do you feel after a workout? At the end of the day? Don't focus too much on the number, and more on other aspects! :)
  • katelovelyyy
    katelovelyyy Posts: 35 Member
    Are you eating enough? How many calories are you aiming for? What kind of exercise are you doing? Everyone is different. I'm a Mesomorph. I dropped lbs in the first days, every day. I did 3 days of cardio and 3 days of weights, about 30-40 minutes. Ate very healthy, regularly, drank a lot of water (2L). I really think the scale doesn't tell you the whole story though. Do your clothes feel tighter? Loose? How is your energy level? How do you feel after a workout? At the end of the day? Don't focus too much on the number, and more on other aspects! :)

    I do cardio a lot because I like it then often do 15-25 min of strength. I'm eating plenty and its not 100% clean but It's not bad either. I keep my portions down and snack a few times a day. I'm thinking its prolly too soon

    I have a ton more energy, I feel like I'm slimmer, my jeans feel baggy so that's all good.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I noticed a change about 2 months in. Other people noticed about 3 months in and now 6 months in I feel like I'm in a completely different body. I'm lighter, more flexible and EVERYONE notices now.
    2 weeks isn't going to show you much of a different at all, so stick at it.
    Try to ignore the scales at first, particularly if you are doing a lot of exercise alongside your diet.
    You need to measure your body and assess your loss in terms of inches.
  • Tenzuya
    Tenzuya Posts: 64
    Are you eating enough? How many calories are you aiming for? What kind of exercise are you doing? Everyone is different. I'm a Mesomorph. I dropped lbs in the first days, every day. I did 3 days of cardio and 3 days of weights, about 30-40 minutes. Ate very healthy, regularly, drank a lot of water (2L). I really think the scale doesn't tell you the whole story though. Do your clothes feel tighter? Loose? How is your energy level? How do you feel after a workout? At the end of the day? Don't focus too much on the number, and more on other aspects! :)

    I do cardio a lot because I like it then often do 15-25 min of strength. I'm eating plenty and its not 100% clean but It's not bad either. I keep my portions down and snack a few times a day. I'm thinking its prolly too soon

    I have a ton more energy, I feel like I'm slimmer, my jeans feel baggy so that's all good.

    How many calories do you eat?
  • katelovelyyy
    katelovelyyy Posts: 35 Member
    Eating about 1700 a day. Definitely not lapsing in calories lol
  • smancini
    smancini Posts: 6 Member
    I felt the same way as you in the beginning. It took 4 weeks to notice a larger loss on the scale, previous weeks were only 1/2 lb. loss, then the program really kicked in. I am strict about having 1200 calories a day and break up my exercise 1/2 hr. in the morning before work, and 1/2 hour at lunch. On weekends fun workouts, skiing, hiking, biking. Stick with it and you will see how your body adjusts. Good Luck!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    You need to have patience. Two weeks is not a lot of time to give your body to change. This is all in the process of the journey. Sometimes you can go up depending on many factors. You don't have your diary open so I can't see what you are eating. You should be eating your exercise calories back. If you aren't doing this your body may be in starvation mode. How man calories are you eating? There have countless posts on this subject. I don't have the link readily available but, do a search in message boards for the roadmap. You need to fugue your TDEE-20%. Please read the post, it will be invaluable. Happy Easter!
  • Tenzuya
    Tenzuya Posts: 64
    Patience, and make sure your drinking HEAPS of water.
  • katelovelyyy
    katelovelyyy Posts: 35 Member
    I figured, I just thought I'd see something.

    I feel different though so that's good!

    And yes I'm eating my excersize calories back