Get first tattoo Thursday! Share your stories, pictures, etc

kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
Hurray! I'm so excited. However...I'm getting in on my foot. What does a general tat feel like? Does a foot tat hurt more? What was YOUR experience?


  • jessicas082409
    jessicas082409 Posts: 75 Member
    I have heard the in general tats on your feet hurt worse than most areas b/c of the lack of fat/thin skin situation....I do not have one I can't say for sure, it all might just depend on your threshold of pain too...I have a high tolerance and actually fell asleep during three of my tats(wrist, chest, shoulder)...only one that came close to hurting would be my lower back on the hip bone. Good luck and enjoy your new ink!!! :)
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I have heard the in general tats on your feet hurt worse than most areas b/c of the lack of fat/thin skin situation....I do not have one I can't say for sure, it all might just depend on your threshold of pain too...I have a high tolerance and actually fell asleep during three of my tats(wrist, chest, shoulder)...only one that came close to hurting would be my lower back on the hip bone. Good luck and enjoy your new ink!!! :)

    I have heard the same. My nephew, who is a tattoo artist and covered in tats tried to do one on his own foot and it killed him. He has very body feet. His mom got one in the same spot and hers did not hurt near as bad. I have 4 myself and the one that hurt the worst is the most recent one that is on the inside of my left ankle. (so more bone) Good luck! :)
  • Kashmir09
    Kashmir09 Posts: 45
    Mmmmm tattoos!!!! I love the sensation during inking - you'll be a bit "burny sore" the first 24 hours but nothing ... just be careful with a foot tattoo to keep your foot as high as possible for the first days against swelling and keep it covered when you are out on the street to avoid infection - looking forward to seeing this masterpiece :happy:
  • LoveCR22
    LoveCR22 Posts: 75 Member
    I know a couple people who have tats on their feet most say it hurts more than getting it else where and that they heal slower because of wearing socks and shoes daily might be different in summer if wearing just sandals.

    My tattooist won't do foot tat's because of how much faster they fad and need touch ups compared to the rest of the body.

    I'm a big baby when it comes to pain and got two done on my chest, both hurt but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be the colouring in was the worse for me.

    They are addictive so you'll forget about any pain there was and want more once you get your first one done.
  • joe2626
    joe2626 Posts: 123 Member
    I'll post a photo of my most recent tattoo. I got it done a couple of months ago in 3 sessions. Took about 7 hours in total to complete, but very happy with it and should be getting a bit of background work on it to make it even bigger! This is my second tattoo and I have plans for many, many more! They are very addictive so be prepared to spend the next few weeks wondering what you're going to get next! The pain is worse on areas with less fat, so hands, neck, elbow, ankle and...yes...foot! I really enjoy the pain though. It's not overwhelming and once you get over the initial shock, it's a nice warm-hot scratchy sensation that you settle into...hopefully! Enjoy your session and hope to see a thread with pictures of the finished article!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I have two on my back. For me shading is the ouchie part. The outline and lettering was kinda stingy but didn't bother me. When they were filled in with shading it went from kinda stingy to burning. The closer to my spine the more I felt it.

    It's not enough to stop me! I want to get two more eventually.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My most recent is on my ticker (left shoulder blade) and I love her! She was my reward to 50 pounds lost.

    As far as the feet go...any area with really sensitive skin (behind knees, inside elbow, etc) and those areas with little cusion (feet, hands, head) are all pretty high on the pain meter compared to that on other areas. however, everyone is different and pain tolerance is a big deal as well as how deep your tattoo artist digs the needles.

    I know many a girl with feet tattoos and that just shows how even though it may hurt more in comparison to other spots, it is tolerable.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    i have a tatoo my foot and it is my only tat so far. it definitely didn't tickle as if it'd been licked on by kittens. it freakin' hurt, lol. but that being said, i've got a better outlook towards getting another one someday in a more fleshy area. :)
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    I recently got a foot tattoo (my 3rd tattoo ever) and it hurt more than the others and I got one on my wrist and on my lower back. The foot was pretty bad especially because I had coloring and shading done to it.
  • alopez2011
    I got my first tat last year on my foot of 3 cherry blossom, It took close to an hr, And it hurt like hell. But I chewed some gum and tried to zone out, So after a while get used of the pain
  • Asrafel1337
    Asrafel1337 Posts: 30 Member
    When I got my first tattoo, I didn't have any friends who had them so I didn't know what to expect. I had my self psyched up so bad that it was excruciating, and I got it on the top of my forearm, which--comparatively--isn't a very tender spot. When I went in for my second one--on the top of the other forearm--I was much less nervous and the artist actually engaged me in conversation rather than just wanting to get it done as quickly as possible so the walking wallet could pay and leave. Every other experience I've had has been great, except for the outlining on my chest piece... that lit me up all over again.