Just a little worried...

Is this the right place to be putting this in? >.>;

Uh, anyway. So in the passed five days, I've been walking in the morning for an hour at a brisk pace of around 4.0kmph? Around that anyway x.x and basically.. I've lost 4lbs in those five days. That's not healthy, right? >.< I'm only meant to lose 1 pound a week. Well at least.. that's the target. I'm always under my daily calorie intake without meaning to as well.

I've measured my weight for the passed couple of days to see if it was just fluctuating up and down and stuff, but the 2kg/4lbs stayed off which I'm surprised about. Opinions please?


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    you have to remember that part of that loss is likely water weight (and if you gain in the near future it will likely be water weight also). Also, we tend to drop faster the more we weigh...

    The important thing is the trend of your losses - are you overall lowering the numbers? Do you average 4 pounds a week every week? If not, I would say no worries.
  • Hi XMochaLove,
    So it's great you're keeping close tabs on your body and health! Some key things to look for in unhealthy weight loss are: increased fatigue, lack of energy, or dizziness when you go from sitting to standing. If you don't have any of these symptoms, I wouldn't worry about it! It sounds like you are making healthy changes, and that you haven't drastically modified your food intake from before. If moderate exercise is the only change over the past five days, keep it up! And also keep up the monitoring! Even though you tried to rule out normal weight fluxuations, in my experience sometimes the flux occurs over several days. At any rate, you should definitely use this as motivational fodder to fuel your next challenge and goal, whatever that may be! Keep up the good work! xo
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    I'm assuming you also changed your food - both the amount and the types of foods.

    Just changing to a healthier diet that includes more vegetables and fruits and eliminating all the salty food can cause as much as a 7-8 lb difference in water weight.

    It's common to lose quite a lot in the first week. It should stabilize. Next week you may not lose anything, so take it while you can. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you can lose it in bigger chunks at first.
  • I've only just started trying to lose weight last week... but thanks for reminding me about the water weight. :) That might be it.

    EDIT: Since more posts came suddenly. xD
    Thank you! And I have been eating a little healthier, like more veggies and I've cut down a little on the rice (I'm half Filipina. I LOVE my rice.) as well as got rid of Mcdonalds. :) But thank you again for the opinions. I haven't had any of those symptoms. I actually enjoy walking every morning now too.