Weight Loss and Mesh from Hernia Surgery

Hi everyone. Is there anyone out there who has had Hernia Repair Surgery and lost weight? I am just curious as to how it worked out with the mesh and all. I contacted the surgeon who performed my hernia repair surgery 7 years ago. (I had two one for umbilical hernia shortly after the birth of my daughter around 2002 and one shortly after the birth of my son in 2004) He reassured me that the mesh is adjustable and would expand or decrease with your body and weight. Anyway, he was just a General Surgeon(my mistake) and basically butchered me the second time around. I have keloid scars on my upper tummy that recently started to hurt a little. I guess I pushed myself too far that day. I just want your thoughts and experience if you had this surgery and how you feel post weight loss with the mesh and all.


  • GiinaBeanxo
    Hi Krissy,

    I am in the same situation with the mesh after hernia surgery, but have not noticed anything significant yet. I am also concerned about it, so it will be interesting to see if it does cause problems after weight loss.