Feeling out of control and defeated.

I've been doing so well the last few weeks with what I've been eating. Felt as though I had a strong grasp over eating healthy. But now I feel as though I've destroyed all that in the past two days.

I absolutely love to bake. Anything and everything. But it is something I kind of forbid myself to do a lot. Whenever I bake, I lose control and end up binging on whatever it is I bake. Yesterday I made two loaves of zucchini bread. I ended up eating a whole loaf on my own in one day. I also made a white chocolate cheesecake for a family function. We brought what was left over home, and I just got down binging on that.

Now I feel horrible. Bloated, sick, depressed, and massive. Its just so frustrating. I know better but its like I don't even think in the moment I'm doing it. Like my brain is momentarily shut off.

So I guess I'm just posting this to both vent and look for support. I figure if I have some sort of community to help keep me accountable I can get back on track. It'll help me find the motivation to eat well and start an exercise routine that I will stick with.


  • jbwalker77
    jbwalker77 Posts: 7 Member
    It happens, especially during the holidays. Tomorrow is a new day! Stay focused!
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    you and me both sadly.
    i have a low affair with peeps and jelly beans, specifically the black, pink, purple and white ones :laugh:

    tomorrow is a new day. everyone is allowed to have a rough couple of days. i don't see a healthy lifestyle being successful unless you allow yourself to eat food that you enjoy. Obviously in moderation of course. Tomorrow is a new day...just remember the progress you have made so far and know that in the next three months even bigger changes will come along :) thats what i'm telling myself for now. Going to get my eating back on track and not stress over this weekend!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I sadly had to stop baking. Or, if I wanted to bake, make it so I give half a loaf of bread away or send my husband to work with the leftover cookies that day so I wouldn't be tempted the text day. I'm like you, I could eat an entire loaf of bread in one day (one sitting, even!) and then I'd feel horrible about it afterward, so it wasn't worth it to me anymore.
  • fwilson1031
    Don't beat yourself up about it. It happens. Tomorrow is a new day, a new month in fact. Start fresh. Have a healthy filling breakfast and get in some exercise, maybe even just a walk or nice stroll. You will always have set backs, but you need to figure out how to keep going. I like to bake too, especially with my son, what I usually do is plan ahead. Use applesauce instead of oil, egg whites instead of whole egss and pre cut the portions and figure out cals ahead of time. That way I know exactly what I am eating and how much it's counting towards the day. Don't get me wrong, I've had a cupcake for breakfast (with my coffee...amazing), but at least I can plan the rest of my day around it. The other thing I do when I bake is I usually spilt whatever it is in half and give half of it to our sitter or take it to work for others to enjoy. PRE PLAN EVERYTHING! It works. Good luck to you! You can do this, it's all about getting into a routine! Add me it you like, I can always use more friends! :)
  • grapegorilla13
    grapegorilla13 Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah my friends and I ended up doing a burger eating challenge (1 big burger + 1 big shake) shortly after I started to really watch intake and exercise... what was I thinking? I wasn't. Totally destroyed progress, spiked my weight, felt brutal for a few days. With some support from folks here I started back at it and while my results are nothing compared to some on here, I'm happy it's moving in the right direction. Now I can use that feeling (sounds similar to what you're feeling now) as my benchmark of just how bad I can really feel and it keeps me motivated to stay on track. I'd rather feel good most of the time vs a short burst of food happiness/gluttony.

    Add me as a friend if you want.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    It happens to everyone at some point now evaluate why are you too restrictive so your binging? Are you eating enough? I discovered that is why i was having so many problems it might be yours as well but if this is a once in awhile thing its not going to through you off by too much
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    You know, I have a similar problem. I am also a baker and my specialty is vanilla-almond cupcakes with vanilla butter cream frosting. So delicious, so moist, and SO full of calories! I haven't baked in months and I'm doing really well, but baked goods really get me.

    Particularly, for some reason, those stupid Pillsbury sugar cookies with the pictures on them. I had a ton of those today! They're so delicious, I swear they're laced with crack.

    But tomorrow is a new day. You can't beat yourself up every time you slip up. It happens sometimes, and you have to just stay strong. Think tomorrow about how guilty you feel today and use that to motivate yourself to try not to do it again! :)
  • mcford22
    mcford22 Posts: 7
    Thank you so much for the kind responses! I know that joining this site will be a lot of help in my goal to live a more healthy and active life.
  • DaynaYvonnaBeNiceToYourself
    Oh I know that feeling SO well!!! Put the bat away and quit beating yourself. Go for a walk. Even if it is only 20 minutes. :flowerforyou:
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    1) Stop beating yourself up. Most of us have "off" days every now and then. The trick is to learn from them and learn how to keep them in check. Most of us are here because of what we've made "bad days" a habit over the course of weeks and months. One bad day isn't going to un-do everything. It's the series of "one days" that gets ya.

    2) Learn to leave the leftovers. It's hard, but if you can leave them, leave them. My excuse is always "there are only two of us and it'll go to waste if we take it home"

    3) If you do end up with leftovers, if there's no chance that they've spoiled, maybe share them with a neighbor. Just get them out of the house.

    4) Bake stuff that other people like but that you don't eat. You'll be less tempted.

    5) Stop for today and promise to start fresh tomorrow. :)
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Oh boy, I think most of us here know that feeling.... The difference is going to be what you do NOW!
    Are you going to beat yourself up endlessly about it or is the new you going to shrug your shoulders, admit it wasn't the wisest choice and then get on with planning out your week.
    I used to let this sort of thing destroy me. That was it, all over.
    Now I put it aside, and I get on with it and maybe baking could take on a new twist.... Start researching recipes that fit into your lifestyle and you can cut it up and freeze in individual portions.
    THAT is a more productive thing to do than wasting your energy on guilt.
    Now drop and give me 20!!! And then get outside for a nice long walk!!! DO IT!! Lol