Help please!

why do i feel like im losing my mojo :'( really need to get walking everyday atleast to do something!not even met my fiance family im that ashamed off my body and looks :/ and its been nearly 14months HELP please advice tips any thing that help me :/


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    We need more info.

    how many calories do you eat a day?

    how many times a week do your workout and how many calories burned on average for each workout?

    Height, weight, age, body fat percentage if known...

    This info should let us help you.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    You can do it, you just have to make the decision that this is it, never going to diet again, from today on you will be living a whole new lifestyle, eatting right and moving. You do not need to do massive amounts of exercise, just do more than you did today. remember that weight loss happens in the kitchen and fitness in the gym. Best of luck to you, if you have time read through this it is great info that could help a whole lot.
    Here is good info:
  • Im 19 stone 3 last time i weighted my self which was week and half ago :/
    5 ft 5 im only about 1700 to 2000 but on bad day 2100 max :/ i try to do atleast a mile a day or dancing for 10 to 20 mins an evening, im not sure about body fat percentage i know my bmi is around 44 or something like that ,i try to burn atleast 100 to 200 cals a day so not to sure .

    and thank you i shall have a look at the link below :) x
  • nataliedrake3
    nataliedrake3 Posts: 23 Member
    Such a great response! I love that philosophy.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Im 19 stone 3 last time i weighted my self which was week and half ago :/
    5 ft 5 im only about 1700 to 2000 but on bad day 2100 max :/ i try to do atleast a mile a day or dancing for 10 to 20 mins an evening, im not sure about body fat percentage i know my bmi is around 44 or something like that ,i try to burn atleast 100 to 200 cals a day so not to sure .

    and thank you i shall have a look at the link below :) x

    I think you are not eating enough - I plugged yoru numbers into a BMR calculator to estimate TDEE and it suggests at moderately active 3134 calories a day to maintain. So, in order to lose: 3134 - 20% = 2508 daily calories. Even at lightly active your number to lose weight would be over what you eat now by 100+ calories a day. I had to guess at some of the pieces (age, etc.), but this is just an example. You should definitely check your TDEE with all your numbers. Do your measurements and calculate your body fat percentage first because that number makes your BMR calculation more accurate (even though it is all estimates).

    Eating too little will cause a plateau every time. Best of luck to you!!
  • thank you x
  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    Am allmost 26 and having a hard time losing weigh. I weight 225 pounds, wiast is 49 1/2 inches. Can someone help me lose wiegh. I long in everyday.