Husband just deployed need help in everyway!



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I am ready for this change! I am now learning to be without him and am ready to make serious change in order to be healthy and to fit in my old clothes again! i want to not only feel better but look better my goal is 25 lbs knowing that I have 50 or so to lose! I just need help! I am going to have challenges ahead of me with the added stress of my husband being in Afghanistan. Anyone who would want to be friends would be welcomed! God bless our troops!

    This is my 4th tour with my husband constantly being deployed it's easy to lose weight when they are gone because when they are home you get comfortable, and consume yourself with them. we see it all the time. i am not one of those women personally when my husband is home i maintain my workouts and my eating habits.

    Check on post at the gym i am sure they have a workout group for woman who's spouses deployed.

    You can do it.
    I work full time, workout 6 days a week, have 2 kids, picking up a second job, handle ALL the maintenance and up keep at the house, housework, kids activites, and to add on top of that i start school next month. all without help=

    you got this!! the hardest part is maintaining it when they are home. That's when most people fall off the wagon. Your husband will love the weight loss too. alot of the military wives (no offense) get talked about. I'm friends with the guys not so much the wives so i hear the other side of it. You would be suprised

    Keep your head up stay busy and you will be just fine in all aspects.

    It does get easier my husband and made it all these years because we say we are stronger than anything the military can throw at us. our division has the highest divorce rate because it's rapid deploying. we are the only married couple that we met 8 years ago that is still going strong so we must be doing something right.

    afghanland sucks my husband rather be back in iraq.
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    Hey :)

    My husband used to be in the Army. So, you are more than welcome to add me if you want.

    Just stay motivated and set a realistic goal. As you will loose the weight, the feeling of accomplishment will keep you going :)

    Good luck
  • Hi- I am new to MFP (1 week) and learning to navigate around this website. I know how it is to have a husband deployed(3 years ago). Remember to gives all your worries to God and he will take care of you. I will pray for your husband's safe return. Good luck on your weight loss venture. I am going to need it too (:
  • Hello. God Bless your husband. I will be deploying in about two months so I have a slight idea of how stressful it is. I added you
  • Hello, I am sitting in your shoes right now... My husband just left a week and a half ago... ugh!!! We have been through this many times, but each time seems like it gets harder... ANYWAYS>>> on to a happier note!! I am here for ya sister, I am challenging myself to be at 160lbs upon his return, so I have 12 months to kick it in gear, if you want I will be here for you, to encourage you, to listen when you need an ear, or for you to tell your frustrations to... we can do it together!!! GOOD LUCK either way!!
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