Dinner ideas at work- please help!

cakenedith2 Posts: 72 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!
I joined MFP this past week and am finding it soooo helpful! I am a private music instructor and teach 30 minute lessons several days a week. Since I work for myself, I make my own hours and made the huge mistake of not scheduling myself any breaks (I have learned my lesson and will schedule a dinner break next term!). I'll start teaching between 1 and 3 and go until 8:30 most days. The drive home is about 40 min. I'm starving when I get home and make HORRIBLE food choices. I try to bring snacks and eat inbetween students (I get just a few minutes) but nothing really holds me over. Should I just eat a huge meal before teaching? I do drink water while I'm teaching and was toying with the idea of drinking a protein shake....not sure if they will fill me up. Any thoughts? Thank you so much in advance!


  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    I don't think the big meal first idea will work - probably it will just make you sleepy:yawn: What about a healful meal first, then put together a crock pot supper so dinner will be ready when you get home. Protein shakes have not worked for filling me up, but I know others have had success with them. I need to eat something to feel full. I like Luna protein bars, clif mojo (peanut butter pretzel - yum) and sargento light string cheese. Good luck!
  • sarahlea
    sarahlea Posts: 1
    Hello There,

    I just made myself a tuna salad (tuna in a can of water) with celery and a boiled potato. It was very filling and a strawberry light and fit yogurt for desert. If you have trouble getting full, buy lots of celery sticks (already washed and in water-- ready to eat) and eat potato as a way to feel full.

    also buy carrots and munch on those when you feel you are losing control. and also, down a whole bottle of water when you feel you are starved.

    the best thing though, would be for you to always keep healthy snacks with you (raw almonds, special k bars, fruits)

    hope this helps a little, good luck

  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    make a biiiig batch of a healthy soup or something (freeze some of it if necessary) so that you have healthy, good food available when you get home, and all you have to do is heat and eat. also, it'd be a good idea to bring a bag of baby carrots and a few pieces of fruit to work with you, so you can snack and keep your metabolism going, rather than having two giant meals each day. i often keep peaches with me when i go to work, since they're sooooo good this time of year, and a small peach is only about 35 cal.

    Black Bean Soup: 191 calories; 4 g fat (2 g mono); 9 g protein; 9 g fiber [per serving]

    Turkey Chili: Calories 298, Total Fat 5.7g (sat 0.6g), Cholesterol 35mg, Fiber 10.2g, Protein 28.8g [per serving]

    also, use your slow cooker! it cooks for you while you work so you can come home to piping hot delicious food! i love doing this. here's a collection of slow cooker recipes from cooking light magazine:


    You can also make baked potatoes in the microwave in about 7 min, and they can be very healthy if you're judicious about your fillings. i like using laughing cow cheese or salsa along with veggies or deli meats. see this thread:

  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I have a job where I schedule my own hours at times too... and always end up scheduling back to back without breaks. You'd think I'd have learned by now...

    Anyway... I have started taking along healthy, calorie-dense snacks to eat between sessions -- nuts, craisins, tuna and crackers. If you eat a good meal (not *heavy*, but nutritious) for lunch and then pack a couple of snacks to eat during the day you should be able to make it until suppertime. And... if you pack almonds, pack plenty of water too!

    I second the idea of the crockpot -- it is wonderful to walk in the door after working and have supper ready for you! I also have a list of meals I like that reheat well, so since I do not work every day (or, well, most days) I know what I can cook the night before to just reheat the next day. Other quick favorites are grilled chicken on the Foreman -- toss in a salad or with some quick vegetables (broccoli and corn can both be microwaved in less than 5 minutes) and you are good to go!
  • cakenedith2
    cakenedith2 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I think everyone is right with the crockpot ideas and packing better snacks. I just really hate eating late at night and since I don't work the same hours everyday it messes me up. Today I'm going to try eating a healthy lunch and packing some good snacks, like string cheese/veggies and maybe try those luna bars. Then I will come home and eat supper but keep it light. I will need to eat something, after hearing Twinkle Twinkle and Mary had a little lamb for 7 hours straight! :happy:
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