2 months and no weight loss, whats going on?

It feels like my body will never lose it, but it HAS too, i have been eating less, weight lifting/ excersizing, i just dont know why im not losing weight. In the last week, i have decided to up my cals to 1700 from 1200, and eat alot more protein, and weight train at home 3 x a week, but after a week of it, i feel fatter, butch and just depressed. i hate this, please help, will it get better? should i be patient, but i must lose more weight by summer. which is in 2 months. i thought 2 months ago id be much slimmer than this, so no im very dicouraged.


  • Are you being 100% accurate with your logging? I flicked through your diary and found several days where the last thing logged was 2pm or earlier, and several more that were over by a few hundred calories. Added to this, quite a few of your calories seem to be drunk, which I've gathered from reading around here isn't ideal, and some days there are more treat type foods logged than nutrient dense food. I'm not an expert, and your macros look fine, but a bit of tweaking and being stricter with sticking to calorie targets might help?

    ETA: Unless you've edited your meal headings, that would make more sense. And you said you've upped your calorie goal, but it's not updated, which reflects in the red numbers. But I still reckon most of what I said might be relevant.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Same as above. You're all over the place with your calorie intake, doesn't look like you do a very good job of logging, eat & drink a lot of empty calories and don't consistently exercise.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    how much do you have to lose. i only lost 5 lbs in 2 months....
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    My logging can sometimes be difficult because i live in china, so some foods i try to guess the calories and add higher calorie ones from the list in myfitness pal, i am 100% sure i eat less than the foods i log, but because i cant find them listed, i add the higheer calorie just to be on the safe side to stop myself assuming i have more cals to eat. the red numbers are because i am aiming for 1700, i should adjust it accurately. I adjusted my headings to eat and snack 5 small meals a day.

    Basically every day i eat this:

    7.30am - half a pitta bread, 1 tea boiled egg, and a quarter green chiili, with 1 teaspoon of meat broth they put on it to make it moist.

    9.30ish, maybe i will eat almonds, or 1 sticky madool date, again from china so just add the assumed one.

    11am - some sort of vegetables(onions, cauliflower, green bell pepper) stir fried in oil, little pork meat and seasonings, cooked by my school, i eat a massive bowl of veg, and i use chopsticks to drain of all the sauce, i might eat 1 boiled egg with this, or half a fist size steamed bread. THATS IT

    the for snack at 2.00pm - i go for beef jerky, or chocolate milk which 135 cals, almonds, or a slice of wheat bread (70cals) i slice of cheese singles) and some jerky. i basically try to eat something high in protein and the cheese for calcium. and lately i have been drinking a 3 in nescafe coffee with 1 sugar because i need some boost. or maybe apple and peanut butter.

    go back to work, around 5.30pm, 1 of the snacks i stated like a madool date or almonds.

    5.30pm, will either eat bowl of veg again at school or go home and eat some high protein food with very small carbs.

    then if i weight train, some protein like now im eating 1 chicken breast with a peach yoghurt( no non fat in china, or where i live anyway, this one is 50% fat) or if i dont weight train, maybe a yoghurt or beef jerky or something.

    i also drink diet coke. and if you have seen fried bread, i dont eat fried bread, but sometimes if i havent eaten carbs alot, i will buy this palm sized square bread abou 1 inch thick, and it seems to leave a shine on my hands some i assume they use oil to either cook it or as an ingredient.
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    i have to lose a good 20lbs - 30lbs. i weight 149 now. want to get between 120 - 130lbs