Desire to lift (heavy), and some physical limitations. HELP!

I want to lift! And I want to lift heavy! But here are my issues....
1-I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back. It has been on and off for about 5 years (I'm 34) but a couple of weeks ago really flared up. Just light walking was all I could handle. Things are better now but I don't know how cautious I need to be...
2-I fractured my elbow in the beginning of February. I go for my final follow-up with x-rays on Friday. It feels really, really good, but now and then, straightening my arm and turning it hurts a tad.
I want to start Jamie Eason's LiveFit training program ( My plan was to start today, but I'm not sureI hoped that perhaps a weight belt would help with my posture while doing things like squats, to help stabilize my back.
Any help/advice would be most appreciated. I'm tired of being jiggly and weak, I want to be lean and toned!


  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Check with a Dr or a Physio what exercises they'd recommend to help with your injuries.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Check with a Dr or a Physio what exercises they'd recommend to help with your injuries.
    This. You need to be very cautious with resistance training with your injuries, a weight belt isn't going to help much with squats if all you can currently handle is light walking.
  • skinnybetch78
    skinnybetch78 Posts: 34 Member
    K, so let me paint a clearer picture of where I am now. It was early last week that my back really went downhill. I was home from work Tuesday, did some light walking Wed. and Thurs. and did some yard work this weekend. No issues for 3-4 days as of today. I will obviously check with my doctor on Friday, but I'm really only seeing him for my elbow. Past visits to PTs with exercises specifically geared towards strengthening my back didn't do much for me...
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'd be worried sqauts and deadlifts might aggravate your back. I'd print jamie's program and take it to your PT or doc or whoever treats you for your back problems and go over it with them, making sure each exercise is ok.
  • skinnybetch78
    skinnybetch78 Posts: 34 Member
    I'd print jamie's b]program and take it to your PT or doc or whoever treatsyour for your back problems and go over it with them, making sure each exercise is ok.

    That's a great idea. I will definitely do that.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    While i definitely agree that you should check with your doctor, I will venture a guess that he will simply say you can't or shouldn't. I know a number of people who were told that they can't or shouldn't do this exercise or that as a result of certain physical limitations, and yet they did and were better for it. Disobeying a doctor's orders is serious, and shouldn't be done lightly, but we often have to fight our own battles and make our own decisions. For the best chance of getting a doctor to work with you, make sure you are speaking to a specialist in your condition with experience working with people that want to fight it.