Hi I work at a High School as a Resilience Specialist. It is a unique position/job basically a School Psychologist/Counselor working with inner city kids.

If you work at a school and are into health and fitness let me know!


  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I teach grade one. I have 22 little balls of energy in my class, and I am always on my feet! At lunch, I always go for a 30 minute walk, and then 3 times a week I organize a turbo fire group. It's most fun when the custodian walks in and we are 'shakin' it'. I have tried to get him to join us several times, but it's a no go so far. Haha
  • ninilynn70
    ninilynn70 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a music teacher to over 600 K-6th graders in an inner-city elementary school. I have just restarted my fitness journey a few weeks ago after a long illness. I already feel better after just 3 weeks of healthy eating and exercise. Looking forward to how I'll feel further into my journey!
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    I teach computer lab to pre-k to 2nd so in a week a see several hundred 4-7 year olds getting in shape is a must for me taking the little ones out for recess its good to be able to keep up. however working on graduate degree to move up to 6-12 sciences
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    Any other school system people wanna add me to the friends list please feel free to do so we need to stick together lol
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I was a Primary teacher in Northern Ireland and England, my main subject at Uni was Phys Ed. I taught most age groups, from 3 - 11 year old children. I have been in the USA now for 6 years and spent 2.5 teaching Head Start. It was a great experience. I am currently waiting for my Florida teachers cert and then plan on looking for employment in the school system. Nice to meet you all any tips would be appreciated!