What's your favorite healthy meal?

I am looking for menu ideas for a good solid week of healthy meals, and I'm having a hard time of thinking about anything other than the leftover pizza sitting in my fridge.

So, what's your favorite healthy meal to make that never makes you feel guilty for eating?


  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member

    sorry I don't have any cat references......
  • miranda823
    miranda823 Posts: 91 Member
    Pizza and wings. Smothered in Ranch :D
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    rude! :smokin:
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    I take a grilled chicken breast and top it with red roasted peppers and part skim mozzerella. Side of steamed broccoli...its my fave!

    There is a recipes section on the forum, maybe check that out.

    Sorry. No cat references....I am not a fan!
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    Chopped up chicken breast, bell peppers, onions, and broccoli, sautéed in olive oil over brown rice. Delicious and actually having it tonight!
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    that sounds yummy! I'm not a fan of cats either
  • losbeatlesmolan
    you can try and make a healthy pizza! I love rice/pasta .. if you don't add any oily sauces then they are very healthy ;)
  • Dominantia
    brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta + chicken breast/fish fillet + steamed veggies/lettuce with tomatoes I don't have more ideas right now <3
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    cat :) cooked in olive oil of course and served over a bed of greens
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Place salmon (or rainbow trout) on big piece of foil, drizzle with a bit of olive oil, throw in cut up broccolli, tomatos (whatever else you want), salt and pepper. Wrap up in foil, bake at 375 until cooked (depending on thickness, generally about 20-30 minutes). YUM. If I have some extra calories, I'll make some couscous to go with it.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Do you have a crockpot? You could always make a big batch of something like a roast and pair it with different veggies throughout the week/side of rice or beans too. Or a casserole that will leave you with leftovers, which is quick.
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Egg salad sandwiches are delicious. I'm scarfing one down right now. BLTs aren't terrible, either, and they're delicious.
    Lots of great low cal pizza recipes too! And they're soo easy.

    In fact, take any meal you like, google "Low calorie ______" and then go to town.

    No cat references? What a catastrophe :p

    baked chicken = delicious. Make some asparagus with it = even better. Just modify things you like. If you have left over chicken you can eat it the next day which makes it even better.

    I've been making lots of banana bread recently and it's a great breakfast or snack.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    sushi and bacon :D
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Stir fry kitty
  • amjo2693
    amjo2693 Posts: 89 Member
    I love making soups. I make a huge batch, portion it out into containers, and freeze it. I like to make chicken and brown rice soup (cut up a rotisserie chicken, carrots, onions, celery, 90 second Uncle Ben's brown rice, and organic chicken broth) or veggie soup.

    For dinner tonight, I made salsa chicken in the crockpot- chicken, a jar of salsa, a can of corn, and a can of black beans. I'll eat it over brown rice or quinoa.

    I tend to grill a lot, especially with the warmer weather. I like grilled chicken over salad or with a side or two of veggies.

    No cat references from me. I find them really f@#$ing annoying.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Salmon w/ brown rice and spinach! Super yummy and healthy :happy:
  • JScar1964
    JScar1964 Posts: 28 Member
    Pizza and Beer.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I love the Skinny Taste.com website. Everything we have made from there is delicious! Specifically, my new favorite meal is Pesto Tomato Chicken. The website gives instructions on making your own pesto...we just use the Bertolli jarred pesto and the calories are still low.

  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    Beef or chicken stirfry with lots of veggies over brown rice
    Chili with extra lean ground beef and either kidney or black beans is healthy and always kicks up the protein
    Any type of fish or seafood. Like adding shrimp to stirfries in place of meat now and again
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    Wilt a little fresh spinach in a pan with a little garlic, then place it atop of chcken breast season with salt, pepper, and parsley(partially baked) and top the spinach with a slice of part skim mozzerella chesse and bake in the oven until cheese is melted. I love it, my youngest hates spinach but loves it like this.