Wanna try something new on the treadmill? or on a short run

I like to get inventive when i'm on the treadmill, here's a way to spice up that trek it's 20 minutes, interval style, and I burn with my HMR 173calories...if you're bigger then me, you'll burn more.

Start out with an easy walking pace for 5 minutes.

minutes 0-3 Go just under the pace that you would break into a jog. Of you're on the treadmill increase your incline by at 3%, but challenge yourself, you want a good interval session. and keep it there until it's time to cool down.

minutes 3-4 Do side to side twist as you go along, holding a light medicine ball or handweight (if on treadmill place it on the floor after the interval). If you're outside keep your hips steady and rotate upper body to the left as you step with left foot, and then repeat on right to complete 1 rep. Do 50 reps.

minutes 4-5 jog it baby! at a brisk pace, it's only a few minutes.

This takes 5 minutes to complete, repeat this circuit 4 times for a great workout

Now, you can leave this as is..but if you want to increase the intensity a little more, every other set when you get the the jog, try to turn backwards on the treadmill, running the opposite way, all of a sudden your quads are going crazy! I lower my speed and up my incline to 15%..do what works for you and modify to your exercise level..and have fun with it!
