Office Lunch

Hi! I'm starting a new, really intense job next week. I'll be in office all day and need some ideas for healthy, easy lunches to pack. I don't eat deli meats so sandwiches are out. I'd appreciate any tips!


  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    I like to take a torlilla and wrap fresh veggies and a bit of shredded mozarella. I nuke it for about 30 seconds to warm up the tortilla. I usually put tomatoes, zuchini, mushrooms, spring mix lettuce in it but you could use anything you like. I put the veggies in a separate container from the wrap so it doesn't get soggy.

    I also grill several chicken breasts and take one of those with some veggies.

    You can bake a turkey breast and have sandwiches from that.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    I have taken the same lunch to work for the past year or so. It never gets old to me (but I'm weird). Tysons Frozen Chicken breast (fully cooked) and frozen mixed veggies. If I want a little change, I'll toss some Franks Red Hot on my chicken, or add a slice of cheese to my veggies. Easy to pack since I just toss em into containers and off I go.
  • chelseaad
    chelseaad Posts: 11
    I have a desk job and have to bring my own food, too. These are my favorites:

    Almonds mixed with 1 tbsp dried cranberries and 1 tbsp white choc chips (for when I am craving sweet)

    Non-fat yogurt

    Salads (I buy all the ingredients and then make individual-sized salads for the week and put in tupperware)

    Fruit (easy fruit like grapes and clementies are in season right now which helps)

    Instant oatmeal (yes, I eat this for lunch with fruit which is very filling)

    Fruit and yogurt smoothies (I make a batch that morning and bring it in my re-usable cup and refrigerate until lunch time)

    Peanut butter and banana on whole grain bread

    Snacking is an issue for me so I make sure I have a lot of food with me during the day but healthy stuff like baby carrots, almonds, and 100 calorie packs of popcorn or graham crackers.

    Good luck at your new job!!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I have brown rice, black beans, chicken, shredded cheese and salsa. Cook it all on Monday and make bowls every morning.
  • AmazingRed
    AmazingRed Posts: 22 Member
    all great ideas and really thinking out of the box! looks like planning ahead will be key
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I have a desk job and have to bring my own food, too. These are my favorites:

    Almonds mixed with 1 tbsp dried cranberries and 1 tbsp white choc chips (for when I am craving sweet)

    Non-fat yogurt

    Salads (I buy all the ingredients and then make individual-sized salads for the week and put in tupperware)

    Fruit (easy fruit like grapes and clementies are in season right now which helps)

    Instant oatmeal (yes, I eat this for lunch with fruit which is very filling)

    Fruit and yogurt smoothies (I make a batch that morning and bring it in my re-usable cup and refrigerate until lunch time)

    Peanut butter and banana on whole grain bread

    Snacking is an issue for me so I make sure I have a lot of food with me during the day but healthy stuff like baby carrots, almonds, and 100 calorie packs of popcorn or graham crackers.

    Good luck at your new job!!

    I completely second this. I keep hazelnuts around for a quick snack as well. Also, keep a big thing of water to sip on throughout the day. Cut up veggies and stick them in individual bags to keep nearby.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I like to make soups and then bring them for lunch (non-spillable tupperware is awesome!). Nuts, string cheese, fruit, PB2 (on a sandwich, crackers, or fruit), and baby carrots are all staples for me. Trader Joe's also has some great 300-600 calorie frozen meals that I will occasionally bring.
  • losbeatlesmolan
    pasta salads, rice salads, potatoe salads, soups, grilled chicken and veggies... endless options!
  • Blondie251975
    Blondie251975 Posts: 58 Member
    Every Monday I bring in fresh veggies (assorted), spinach/lettuce mixes, whatever protein we made that weekend (chicken, fish, etc), hard-boiled eggs, etc and have salads and different veggies all week. I change up the protein, and the veggies, and it never gets old :)