Starting Tomorrow and Needing Friends!



  • matthfl
    matthfl Posts: 1
    The first and easiest step for you to take is changing all of your grains to whole grains. That alone should drop quite a few pounds of fat!
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome Jenny, feel free to add me as a MFP buddy. I have been on MFP for over a year and enjoy motivating, supporting and generally being here for my Pals. You have taken the first step, now the hard work begins. Log daily, read the labels, keep track of the calories and get in workouts as routinely as you can. We will be here to answer any questions we can, support and motivate you. Good luck on this amazing journey.
  • Its actually so nice reading about people who feel exactly the same as me. I feel exactly the same way. I have aaaaaalllll these nice clothes from when I was thin, but I started picking up weight (then losing some, only to pick up double the amount) and now I have to buy new clothes (sigh). However I decided that this time I really am going to loose the weight (and not just dieting for a week).

    The absolute worst is dressing for a night out and I feel so fat in everything :-0

    Diets usually start off with me eating almost nothing and doing sit-ups every night. Then by the end of the week I end up feeling depressed when I did not lose what I expected and chucking the whole diet. This time I decided that just eating healthy is the better option.

    To motivate myself I bought myself a rowing-machine - so I will see how that goes from tomorrow! Pleeeease I need all the motivation that I can get!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    Welcome aboard, you can do it!!!
  • Jeffrey_S
    Jeffrey_S Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome, Jenny. I've tried a lot of different things, but MFP seems to be working quite well, and adding friends does make one realize that you need not go it knowing others are watching (and not judging) helps keep me honest.

    You or anyone else who is truly serious about being part of a support network and achieving a healthier lifestyle may feel free to add me as an MFP friend. We can do this!
  • CarolynB54
    CarolynB54 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome Jenny, feel free to add me as a MFP buddy.
    I too am starting tommorrow.
    I work in an office and our office started a wellness/ finess/weight loss challenge which starts tommorrow. There are 7 teams with 7 people on each team. I am one of the captians. I am going to try to keep my team motivated.
    12 weeks - see what team is the winning team and which employee is the biggest loser.
    I know I need support and motivation as well. :smile:
    I know we can do this..
  • Chickcass
    Chickcass Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all!

    Feel free to add me. I log in every day!
  • Shirlls123
    Shirlls123 Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome! I'll add you as a friend and we can motivate each other x
  • Thank you for the welcome everyone!

    In a way I feel better knowing that others feel the same way I do but on the other hand it is sad too. I hate to think that people feel so bad about themselves. :( x
  • Hi, I'm 26 and feel the same, I work in an office to and it can be hard to resist snacking when you sit at a desk all day. good luck with it all!