Any body by Vi users out there?



  • You can lose weight using them if you are in a calorie deficit, but wouldn't you rather save your money and eat yummier foods that are more satisfying and still lose the weight anyway?

    100% agree, plus you'll know how to eat properly.
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    It's really big around our area and EVERYONE is on it but very few have success or stick with it because you crave eating REAL food. There is one couple that sort of started it in this town and they won themselves a BMW BUT they drive around in it and try to get people to have meetings and sign up and buy product and they are at some big convention this week in California but they can't pay their bills. Every dime they make they end up spending more on product, travel to meetings, etc and they don't seem happy at all. I feel really bad for them because they did use it and they lost weight and have kept it off but now I think they are looking sickly and I know it's from the stress of trying to make sure they SELL, SELL, SELL, because if they don't do a certain volume, they have to make the $600 car payment monthly!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Hey I meet a salesperson today and she gave me some good info but wanted to see if anyone here has tried it.

    You met a salesperson today and she gave you some info.

    I sincerely doubt it was anything resembling good info.

    Don't waste your money on this crap. Don't waste your time listening to a Vi rep's unfulfillable promises or thinking about it anymore.
  • I used BBV from end of Sept to Jan... Lost nearly 50 lbs. Hit my peak... Went off of it and in less than 3 wks I gained 13lbs back. I wouldn't do it but we all have to live and learn. I loved it at first but I starting craving real food. It's not all it's hyped up to be.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Would rather eat real food. tried it for 6 months, hard to maintain the two shakes a day and not be hungry.
  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    Hey I meet a salesperson today and she gave me some good info but wanted to see if anyone here has tried it.

    My trainer sells it. I've tried it myself, but it is expensive. I am using Pure Protein, 65 servings for 45.00 is much better on the pocket book them a 30 servings for 50.00.

    For me it comes down to money. Pure Protein is just as good as the Vi stuff.
  • I use Body by Vi and Love it. Do I think it is magic and just makes me lose weight by drinking it? NO. It works for me because it takes the "thinking" out of 2 of my meals. I have a bad habit of skipping meals and taking in too few calories, this product is retraining me to eat properly. As far as being expensive, I don't find that to be true as it replaces 2 meals a day. I was prepared to pay the $116 a month, but I actually get mine for free now so can't complain about that :)

    For the people complaining about gaining all the weight back...Of course you do! If you don't make a lifestyle change and go back to exactly how you were eating before why would you expect to keep the weight off? I am taking this time to retrain my eating habits and make lifestyle changes that I can stick with so that when I do meet my goal, I will be able to maintain it.

    No matter what program you are using, I hope you all have great results :)
  • Cinmn
    Cinmn Posts: 2 Member
    Very good points re: it takes the thinking out of the meals. I just posted on another thread re: something similar. Once I meet my goal, I will resume eating normal foods, the normal foods I was eating BEFORE I got lazy and started stuffing myself with crap. I somehow got into the mindset that since I was petite and not overweight, I could start eating just whatever, whenever. Not sure why because I was NOT raised like that, and got through my early twenties without thinking like that. Even had a baby and lost my baby weight fine. Then something in my brain changed. Anyhow, I'm tired of poisoning my body with hot fudge sundaes from DQ, fries 2-4 times a week from the work cafeteria, too much red meat, pizza 1x-2x a week, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.
    I started the 90-Day-Challenge Saturday, weighing 175 pounds on my 5'3" frame! The heaviest I have ever weighed without it relating to pregnancy! Feeling good but looking forward to feeling better. Hope to lose 25 pounds by June 23rd.
    I figured I would start up using MFP again to keep tabs on my calories amounts.
    Also, you still eat snacks 2-3X a day, and can make the shakes heartier, so it's not about a drastic calorie cut.....for me it's about a regimen and simplification. If it doesn't work for you, so what. Find something that does. I like the idea of it.
  • mab5338
    mab5338 Posts: 14
    I used BBV or about 30 days and did like it, lost about 10 lbs. I now use Herbalife because a friend sells it and they have more flavors, but the same concept.

    But let's make one thing clear: It's a meal replacement, not a shake that makes you lose weight. You don't have to plan out, you can keep a bottle of soy milk at work and shake it up with a Blender Bottle and not go out to eat, or bring a 300 calorie sandwich and chips.

    I'm pretty lazy and don't like to exercise so I really need to not eat 500 calorie meals 3 times a day, plus snacks. The shakes work for me, i do breakfast and lunch and am very full after! The herbalife fills me up more than the BBV though. I find that if I do a shake and a piece of fruit or string cheese I am STUFFED after lunch.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I find that if I do a shake and a piece of fruit or string cheese I am STUFFED after lunch.

    Seriously? This is definitely not my experience at all, regardless of the brand of shake.
  • mab5338
    mab5338 Posts: 14
    Absolutely serious,. I would use SF FF instant pudding to thicken it up. it was what impressed me.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Wow- I got a lot of info. Honestly I know there's no magic diet . I'm not on a diet b/c this is a life style. Just wanted to get some real users point of view. I'm a business owner so i'll listen to your pitch but best believe I'm no sucker. In all cases do what's best for you always cuz no one lives your life but you.
  • I looked at BBV 2 years ago, and opted for Isagenix instead. I liked what I saw in the shakes better... I liked the comp plan better... I'm down 45 lbs. I'm maintaining the loss. I helped 54 people do the same. Many lost the weight, and then stopped using the program and nearly all of them kept it off, even without the maintenance program because we helped them change their lifestyle and eating habits. My hubby and I still do two shakes every day because we like the energy and I know I'm getting the nutrition. There is a link for a free isa shake sample at the top of blog.sheddingforthewedding dot US and my before and after video is on my main website www, - Its not about low calories... it's about fueling your body with nutrition so that it can increase its ability to process the junk in our other food, pesticides, preservatives, etc. If all you do is cut calories... the fat will come back. That's why Diets are failing us... we never deal with the obesogens which are reprogramming our genes to generate more fat.


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