
SO I posted on here yesterday---thank you for the responses! My main concern is that right now I am eating 1200 calories and I really don't want to have to go so low to lose weight. However, when I did try to up my calories to even 1400, I gained weight. So obviously I am afraid to start upping them. Has anyone upped their calories w/o gaining weight? Should I do it in small increments? I want to lose weight again and do it the healthy way. I don't want to keep going down the 1200 calorie road. Any suggestions are welcomed! BTW I have also read the in place of a road map posts, and there is so much info it leaves me my main question is if you were once at 1200 calories, how do you up your cals to lose weight, without gaining weight? I think my metab is really messed up because I've barely lost anything despite going to 1200.


  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    If you think you have a metabolism problem, go to a nutritionist. They will let you know what to do and what caloric intake amounts will work for you.
  • Fredducharme
    Fredducharme Posts: 17 Member
    1200 calories seems to low. When you go up focus on protein, watch out for sodium!!!
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    Consider opening your food and exercise diary for a few days, anyone who comments w/o viewing at least some of your info, isn't worth following the advice of--also height/ current weight--just a thought.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I only lost weight the first week then nothing (mind you i had been on weight watchers the weeks previous so it was not water loss). Due to a low calorie level at first I was not exercising, then I added a minimum of 30 minutes daily (either treadmills alternating speed or incline, kinect games or zumba)..still nothing. I am this week raising my calorie level going by the post you mentioned. Using the spreadsheet my calorie level should be 1514...I had a hard enough time netting 1200 daily I always fell below so this will be a struggle. I want to lose weight so bad that i choose the lowest (healthiest) foods but end up with too little. I am hardly ever hungry now so raising the calories is not only scary to think about..but if I can not net 1200 how the heck can I do 1500 LOL - I am just going to try to do what i can and go from there...I also lowered my carb and fat allowance as I know if I keep my carbs at about 80 - 90 I do really well from previous experience. This is where the real struggle is! I have read in so many places people not losing with 1200 - so they raise and it helps. If you are afraid start by raising it 100 a day for a week - then to 200. Best of luck!!
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I'm in the process of doing this now. I was at a serious deficit before with eating 1200-1300 calories a day with as much as I exercise. I've upped it to between 1500-1600 a day now. I'll be honest and tell you that I'm terrified of gaining but I know that the damage I'm doing by not eating enough is worse than the few pounds I might gain initially. You might gain a few at first until your body adjusts but in the long run the payoff will be much greater. Just think about how those few extra calories are going to help fuel your workouts and keep your hormones at an even keel and how you'll just feel all around better with enough fuel in your system!! :smile:
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    First off... CONGRATS on trying to lose the healthy way!!! :D

    I did the 1200 calorie thing for a while when I first started (1200 PLUS eating back calories). It worked to start losing but then I felt like I BARELY had enough food in me! So I did some reading and realised that obviously if my body is saying it's not enough, then it's not enough! :)

    So I upped it to 1350. Ate 1350 calories for about 2 weeks (maybe less), then upped it to 1550 which is what I've been at for the past month or so. Today I decided to up it again and am now at 1730. Even at 1730 calories I will still lose about 0.5 lb/wk which is all I need :) In another month or so I may even change it to maintance and just work on toning.

    Note: I eat my excercise calories so I'm pretty much always around my net goal. (Aside from occasional exceptions like my birthday).

    How long have you been trying to survive off of 1200 calories? I did it for about 2 months and I did NOT mess up my metabolism (although I struggled to eat only 1200!!), when I started to increase the calories I still lost weight overall. When you increase it, remember you have to give your body a few weeks to adjust, so don't get down on yourself if you gain a lb or two :) Just focus on progress pics and measurements for the few weeks after you up the calories :)

    Friend me if you would like, it's great to see someone decide to attact this the healthy way :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If your metabolism has stalled out, it is normal to gain a little when you up calories. Your body has to have time to adjust...takes about 4-6 weeks for the body to adjust. You don't just turn your metabolism on and off like a light switch. Also, keep in mind that much of the gain you'll see is actually water, not fat...the more calories you eat, the more water your body has to retain to metabolize them.
  • DivineDiva22
    DivineDiva22 Posts: 22 Member
    I was just talking about this on my Weight-Loss Update. I was sad because I'd only lost 1.9 pounds in a week after working at a 1000+ deficit by working out 6 days a week and eating about 1200 (non workout days) - 1400 (workout days) calories. Which according to MFP I should have lost more than that (and I have before) but after reviewing my intake I saw that I wasn't consuming enough good foods like green leafy healthy veggies. I saw the other weeks when I lost a substantial amount of weight I was consuming half my plate of those types of veggies and 1/4 lean meat and 1/4 or less of carbs (see the healthy plate guide for more information; it's really helpful). My rationale is that we can eat 1200 calories of chocolate cake and ice cream and gain weight because it's nothing but fat and sugar but eat 1200 of a combination of healthy choices and lose weight; only having the occasional fatty treat. It may not be scientific but that's what I see with my body...
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    ..but if I can not net 1200 how the heck can I do 1500 LOL

    Eat a hamburger and you will net, tust me.. LOL