please help!

i just started fitness pal again...i was on it last year and had gotten from 160 down to 140 and am now back at 150....a good weight for me is about 125 :( i was wondering if anybody knew of any self-help/mind-body books for eating right. my porblem is in my head. for example i started my diet yesterday and was good all day. then thismorning i got up and ate 3 donuts. i tell myself things like 'ill start again tomorrow' or other nonsense that gets me nowhere. also i sometimes eat ridiculously when i am depressed. ill just eat and eat and eat as if i am trying to fill up some endless hole inside myself. does this make sense to anyone? and please if you know of any books like this let me know. thank you.


  • jems11021
    jems11021 Posts: 23
    I hear ya loud and clear I do the same thing. I think it comes down to will power I habe dieted to so much in my life I think I am juat feed up. I have recently been looking into Jillian Michaels master your metabolism and I think this would be a good idea for you too. I have a sweet tooth that always breaks my dieting goal and she has some great recipes in there to help with that. One of then is even chocolate brownies. I started her book today if you would like to do it with me your more than welcome we could help eachother. Also we noth have 25 pounds to our goal. Good luck
  • theatremack
    I hear you!! I do the same thing. I keep saying tomorrow is a new day and I'll eat better then, so this time I'm logging on instead of eating - or at least trying to!! I am an emotional eater for sure and have been trying to ask myself if I'm really hungry or just upset. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have started reading some Ronda Britten books - Fearless Living and Do I Look Fat In This. She is about being happy with who you are and then being able to make a change. I went to one of her workshops a couple of months ago and found it helpful. Now I just need to put it into practice. She has an exercise called Stretch, Risk, Or Die, that I really think if I apply to my life it will be helpful. Check out the principle if you're interested:

    I don't know if it's helpful or not, but might be worth a shot. Also if you want to request me as a friend I'm new too and looking for support. Thanks.
  • susandersons06
    "Get It Together—And Remember Where You Put It"
    Mamie McCullough reveals everything you need to know to turn your desire for a better life into more than you ever imagined possible! Step by step, she explains her simple strategies and practical tips for creating a personal action plan for making the most of your life. These ideas really work—Mamie's own incredibly inspiring story proves it!

    This book is not focused on diet, but life changes that help us focus on getting it together-no matter what "it" is.
    Check it out
  • Precious_Nissa
    a good Christian book that is very encouraging and self motivating is by Beth moore called so long teaches how the most secure person is really insecure and that most the reason people lean to food for comfort is because it makes you feel briefly satisfied.