Leslie Sansone dvd's where she is by herself?

I really like Leslie Sansone dvd's and I own about 6 or so of them now and I've tried a few others.
I really prefer the ones where she is alone, I can focus on the workout better and her talking isn't annoying when there are no other walkers for her to chat and giggle with, that gets super annoying fast in her group videos.

I'm going through my stash of exercise dvd's and getting rid of ones that are not my favorite, so most of my group dvd's of hers are going. There is one that I really love the workout but the chatter with the other people in it drives me insane way more than in any other video. I'm wondering if there is another video of hers where the workout is similar where she's alone or a lot less chatty maybe.
It's the Walk Slim 4 fast miles dvd where she does like 5 fast intervals of jogging throughout the 4 miles, and the last mile ends with a James Brown song called "I feel good" and she brings out a weird little James Brown figurine that moves and sings, what is up with that? So weird and dumb! Anyway, I really like that workout but I can barely bring myself to do it anymore because her talking to the other people just drives me crazy anymore. It has a music only option but I really do much better when I can hear her cuing the workout still. If it could have "music and cuing only" then it would be great.
Is there another one of her dvd's that has a similar workout that isn't annoying like that?

Besides trying to find another workout similar to that one, I'd like to know what other dvd's of hers have her working out alone?
I've tried to figure it out by reading the information on the other dvd's and reviews and such but only sometimes I find mention of whether or not she's alone or with a group.

So far, the ones I know are her alone are:
5 day slim down (I own it)
3 Mile Slim & Sleek Walk Plus Pilates (tried it and like it, on my "to buy" list)
Burn body fat and sculpt your arms (On my list to try)
Walk your belly flat (on my list to try)

Are there any others of her alone? Especially if they are ones with fast miles or intervals?

