New week, new month, new start! Who's in?



  • Just what I was thinking :p
  • claud81
    claud81 Posts: 9
    Count me in too..
    Every time I see the calories I've burned,I feel like eating everything I can't eat on the days I don't workout!!
    I just want to have normal and balanced meals.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Morning all,

    To make a start, whenever or whichever day it is is always good. If we have a bad day, so what, we make the next day better.

    This is now day 3 for me, the last two have been good. Some weight training in on Monday, walking yesterday and have kept my calories in the right area. I do need to particularly watch my fat levels and to be honest I know why and where as love olive oil and cheese and have a tendency to go overboard.

    So day three is my second programme for the weights and am looking forward to it.

    Have a good day everyone. How was your day 2 chocohollic555?
  • Darcyclementine
    Darcyclementine Posts: 46 Member
    A little late, but count me in! I need to shake things up and get my head on straight, so today sounds like a good day. I've been on and off MFP for months now, not committing to anything and feeling sorry for myself.
    No more excuses, no more lying to myself - lots more exercise and positive thinking. :heart:
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    Well its day 3 and I feel loads better. Have stuck to the cals and done some exercise every day - in fact I'm just back from the first 5km run in ages. It was hard and I walked for 30 secs a couple of times to get my breath back but I did it in just over 30 mins. To think that I hadn't run for so long and was still capable of getting through it is really encouraging. With a bit more training I think I'll be back to where I was fairly quickly.
    I read somewhere that its easier to get fit again after taking a break than to start from scratch - I hadn't stopped all activity (still walking everyday with the dog and swimming most weeks) but I'd certainly given up making much of an effort.
    Feeling much more positive now - its amazing what a couple of days off work and some sunshine can do!
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    Morning all,

    To make a start, whenever or whichever day it is is always good. If we have a bad day, so what, we make the next day better.

    This is now day 3 for me, the last two have been good. Some weight training in on Monday, walking yesterday and have kept my calories in the right area. I do need to particularly watch my fat levels and to be honest I know why and where as love olive oil and cheese and have a tendency to go overboard.

    So day three is my second programme for the weights and am looking forward to it.

    Have a good day everyone. How was your day 2 chocohollic555?

    I'm doing well thanks! I'm on day 3 of no deprivation but no binges either. Getting back into gentle exercise (walking mainly) but not quite ready to train hard yet as I'm still recovering from being ill and not want to wipe myself out completely. Should be back to proper exercise by the weekend.

    So glad so many people are joining me in this fresh start!
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    How has everyone done.

    This is the end of the first week and for me it has been really quite good. It was maybe a little easier the fact that I am upping my calories a little each week, which helps for the obvious reason of being able to eat a little more. I have had five workouts this week which have worked me that bit harder and I feel really up to the challenge of April being a good month. Lots of motivation and looking forward to next week.

    Aims for the week are:- to cut out some of the crap I have indulged in over this last week, even if it is within calorie allowance.
    water, 8 glasses per day
    maintain the same level of exercise as the first week

    Hope you are feeling much better chocoholic and match fit for the rest of the month.

    Week 2 here we come!