Replacing sugar in coffee with sweetener?

Hi folks.

So, I drink a lot of coffee. I used to have three sugars but now am down to one and I don't think I can take it any lower than that!

What do you think, should I replace the sugar with a sweetener?


  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Some people including myself are of the opinion most sweeteners are worse than sugar, I also used to have 3 sugars in tea and coffee. I went cold turkey on my sugar, I didn't enjoy a brew for a couple of weeks but after that my taste reset and now I can't stand sugar in my drinks, makes me gag.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    you could just not drink the stuff. That would cover it.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I take a teaspoon or two of Stevia. You can get it in liquid or powder form. It's all natural but zero calories. I tried to do the black coffee thing and it just never happened for me. blech.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I went from 2 to 0. It's easy, now I don't even miss the fact that was the start of me not having sugar in anything.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Try and go without sugar or sweeteners. I used to have 2 large sugars in a coffee then in Jan 2007 I decided to stop sugar completely. It took a but of getting used to, but now if i have sugar in coffee I find tastes disgusting. Coffee tastes so much better unsweetened.
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    stevia is sweeter than sucrose so I find I need less. I use the half and half stevia/sucrose just because it's the easiest and cheapest kind for me to get hold of.
  • sylv1979
    sylv1979 Posts: 44 Member
    I have started drinking coffee with Stevia sweetener, it is natural and doesn't contain aspartame .
  • jennerlnz
    jennerlnz Posts: 12 Member
    I would rather the 15cals of a tsp of sugar than any artificial sweeteners. Stevia, maybe, but I'm not keen on the taste. But I have stopped sweetening my coffee. I still use a bit of milk, and I heat it up before adding the coffee - imo, heating it first brings out a bit of the natural sweetness.
  • JKS76
    JKS76 Posts: 54 Member
    I echo what others say about stevia. I was like you loving very sweet hit drinks. i used stevia as a stop gap to try and wean myself of sweetness and I've now cut it out completely. I miss sugar bt I'm still in early stages so hopefully this will pass soon.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I reduced my per cup sweetener to less than one sweetener packet (1/3 - 1/2) just to take the edge off the coffee bitterness. I sometimes make a pot of coffee and just put one packet in for the entire pot.

    If your coffee is very bitter, you could use less coffee therefore it would require less sweetener...
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Against the trend here I do have sweetener. It's the most tested food substance out there and I cannot find any evidence that it does any harm unless you're a rat that eats 3 tons of the stuff a day.

    I am not a rat but am happy to offer myself to science if my 6tsp a day or so causes me to grow another head.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    What do you think, should I replace the sugar with a sweetener?

    If you like your coffee sweet, then yes.

    Unless of course you're a rat.
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    Like a couple other people posted sweetener is fine.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    I cut down half a pack at a time, weeks and months between. I've gone without sugar since last June and don't miss it at all. I do add some chocolate powder to Starbucks lattes to cut some of the bitterness, but I used to do that when I was adding sugar too. Just keep dropping it little by little. It's a lot of sugar and worth stopping.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Against the trend here I do have sweetener. It's the most tested food substance out there and I cannot find any evidence that it does any harm unless you're a rat that eats 3 tons of the stuff a day.

    I am not a rat but am happy to offer myself to science if my 6tsp a day or so causes me to grow another head.


    There is so much testing being done on artificial sweeteners. The only 'evidence' against it I've found is anecdotal. I drink diet coke a lot, I use Stevia, I use Aspartame, and I'll gladly use whatever else non-sugar sweeteners they invent. The only effect I've noticed is a loss in weight from not drinking so many calories.

    That being said, I did stop using sugar or alternatives altogether in my tea, which did take some getting used to, but wouldn't drink it differently now. So just see what works for you. Don't feel bad because the artificial sweetener Mafia is on your case. :wink:
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    I didn't think I'd do it, however, I do add a little bit of sweetener in some of my coffees and it's not that takes the edge of really strong coffee. :smile:
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    I love vanilla stevia (liquid), I use it in all my tea and coffee. zero calories and 100% natural
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,002 Member
    1 tsp of sugar is 16 calories, and sweeteners taste like chemicals to me, so no contest.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I never used to drink coffee, but am finding that it helps control my appetite and concentration levels now so I may have a cup a day, sometimes I don't though. I like my coffee sweet and I add 1 tbs of sugar plus 3 tbs of creamer to my cup, which comes to 150 calories. I don't think it's that big a deal since I don't drink a ton of coffee. I like the idea of drinking it straight, but it's just WAY too bitter, I don't know how people do it.

    Some people are genetically more sensitive to bitter tastes than others though, (if you've ever tried those paper test strips, you'll know what I mean.) I can't stand bitter tastes, so I really don't think I'd acclimate to the flavor. I could maybe see tolerating it, but never liking it. Some people also say they lose a taste for sugar. I can't see that happening either. Even though I drink mostly water and have for a while, if I drank a soda I'd still enjoy the taste.
  • _Liz_M_
    _Liz_M_ Posts: 39
    i use a little sugar rather than the chemical substitute. Could be saving calories but better to keep it as near natural as possible.