Not new....but starting over.

savyjenn Posts: 41 Member
Been on fitness pal for a few months....and fell off the fitness band wagon for a whole month! OUCH....well I am looking to get back on a looking for some more friends...already have some great contacts but thinking a few more couldnt hurt!!


  • sivankeren
    sivankeren Posts: 105 Member
    I'm also starting over, feel free to add me!
  • SpartanSweetie
    SpartanSweetie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also starting over, after about 6 months... Eeek! Feel free to add me. :)
  • Zacei
    Zacei Posts: 14
    I started over a few days ago after 5/6 months of on again, off again dieting. Feel free to add!
  • rachelbelt9
    Also have plans on starting over, and looking for some new friends to keep me on board! Thanks and feel free to add me
  • lizberry1970
    Hi, me too!! starting over today after seeing my doctor this morning and being really encouraged by him. I lost 84lbs last year but have regained 42lbs of it....time to get started and be happier and healthier by the summer...good luck everyone...we can do this.
  • 21weeks
    21weeks Posts: 2
    Hi everyone,

    I too am starting over. Started again yesterday and have 80 lbs to shift but I hope to be nearly half way in 21 weeks (hence the name)..

    Feel free to add me and we will do it for the starting overs team!

    I'm 34 and hoping my profile pic keeps me in line also..

  • MrsWells1983
    I was on my fitness pal ages ago, I think before all these awesome changes happened. I love the new look site as it makes it so much easier to get support!

    So in essence I'm also starting over I guess... for the bazillionth time it feels like. This time though I feel like I will succeed. You know how you just get those 'feelings' when some something is going to go your way, it's how I feel about this attempt at weight loss.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me for support! I've got around 77 pounds I need to shed!

    Tam x
  • joyinlife77
    joyinlife77 Posts: 36 Member
    I am also starting over....

    In 2011 I lost almost 40 pounds, started running (and training for a half marathon), watched my body transform, and was amazed at what my body could do! :)

    Then, in January of 2012, I injured my MCL. That took forever to heal. Once it healed, I developed a foot injury (other leg) that to this still not heeled (despite PT and custom orthotics). In 2012, I got discouraged and started emotional eating. I gained back about 18 of the 40, but because I wasn't doing any exercising, I lost all the muscle definition and gained 2 sizes. :(

    I had lost the weight with WW and I LOVED the program. But for whatever reason, I couldn't seem to get focused with it again (in all of 2013), despite paying for it. Just couldn't get completely motivated. I had joined MFP back in 2009 (after my youngest was born) and thought I'd give it a try to see how it went. I LOVE it! I'm refocused, motivated, and back on track!

    Feel free to add me everyone - I'd love to support everyone and have some extra support as well! :)
  • former_fatty
    I am also starting over for what feels like the millionth time. Every time I say I am determined but never get more than a few weeks in and usually less than 10lbs down which I ultimately gain again.

    I have never done the adding friends before so thought I would give it a try to see if it helps keep me motivated for longer.

    please please add me.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good for you! Starting anything over is not easy; much easier to just give up. This is my second time having to lose a large amount of weight. Last time was in my late 20's, so about 14 years ago--don't think its going to be as 'easy' this time.

    I've been on MFP about a month and think its time to start adding friends to keep me accountable! Anyone please feel free to add me!
  • angelicamendoza2
    angelicamendoza2 Posts: 71 Member
    I too am starting over.. I know it will not be easy but I am looking forward to all the positive motivation. I really need to give 100% this time because I refuse to start over ever again :) Good Luck
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    For everyone that is on again / off again "dieting", try approaching it as a lifestyle change. Figure out your TDEE, eat a deficit of that and you'll lose weight.

    If it's a "diet" it has an end.. and when it ends and old habits come back, you'll be here again. Don't wanna fall off the wagon? Make the wagon more comfortable/manageable to stay on.

    Good luck.
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    hi ladies im also starting over for the 3rd/4th time been on here prob around 2yrs keep falling off wagon and getting back on this time I'd like to lose the baby weight from my 2nd here goes lol

    good luck to you all too x
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I am starting over, had to go away for three weeks due to a death in the family, but I am committed and didn't let this little slip have any affect. Feel free to add me :D
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    wtg to for starting over. You can do it!
  • toastnhunny
    toastnhunny Posts: 25 Member
    I've been off and on with myfitnesspal, used it a lot last summer, but got lazy over the winter. Now, I've been steadily using it starting last month, and I'd like to make more friends, to support each other. Feel free to add me!
  • Spicydeene
    Spicydeene Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there - Yes, add me and I'll also be adding those responded.

    I can empathize with everyone!! It's a journey, isn't it ...

    I used MFP food tracker & Zumba 4/5 days a week to lose 20 lbs and 30 inches in 4 months before my wedding in October of 2012.

    Then I took a 5 month break after the wedding - very bad idea. I gained back everything.. so now I've been back on track for 3 weeks now and worked back up to Zumba 3x per week and added Bodypump (strengh training) 2x per week. This weight is coming off!
  • The_Transforming_Journey
    I refocused yesterday :smile: The more friends/support/encouragement, the better!!
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    For everyone that is on again / off again "dieting", try approaching it as a lifestyle change. Figure out your TDEE, eat a deficit of that and you'll lose weight.

    If it's a "diet" it has an end.. and when it ends and old habits come back, you'll be here again. Don't wanna fall off the wagon? Make the wagon more comfortable/manageable to stay on.

    Good luck.

    ^ this.
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    I started over for the 3rd time! I'm about a month in and joined a running class to having something to keep me accountable. I'd love new friends!