Looking for Motivation!

I am in a slump! I have lost the 48lbs I gained having my son, but cannot lose the last 20! Looking for some serious motivators, and people who like to lift weights not just cardio, to share workouts, and nutrition tips! Thanks, I look forward to meeting you all!


  • nightdragon70
    nightdragon70 Posts: 94 Member
    You've done great so far ! I've been doing mostly cardio, but slowly been adding the strength training and weights to the routine. Right now doing a body Pump class. Welcome to the site, and rest assured. You will get LOTS of input and advice
  • Hi, I'm 43 yrs old and I've tried every diet known to man. I love MFP, I wanted to add weights to my cardio workout so I bought Jillian Micheaels Body Revolution and it's perfect, starts out at a pace I can keep up with, she includes weight lifting and it's only 30 minutes a day.
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm hardcore cardio. I've been throwing in weight training session for an upcoming tough mudder this summer. Plus the strength training burns calorie so well.
  • Feel free to add me, I'm hardcore cardio. I've been throwing in weight training session for an upcoming tough mudder this summer. Plus the strength training burns calorie so well.

    ^^^this guy is an awesome friend.

    Feel free to add me, too. I'm fairly new at this but am working out with weights in combination with cardio and eating the best I ever have.
  • Conograts! That is inspiring :) I had my first kiddo a year ago now and tho i lost weight durring pregnancy, I sure have packed it on in these months after. Keep up the good work and think about who you want to be for your little one when he is lookin up at you as a role model.