ok ok. SO what is REALLY the deal with sweeteners.

I'm Cuban. I can not seem to make oatmeal or café con (skim) leche WITHOUT sugar- so I've completely just NOT had any of these that I so love and enjoy. I understand sacrifice- but I am reading mixed signals about SPLENDA.

Someone be honest and tell me- CAN I FREAKIN' USE SPLENDA OR NOT! I'm also trying to replace "sugar" with some cinnamon.... but I can't do that in my coffee. Oatmeal perhaps but its still not sweet enough for me. I literally eat nothing unhealthy. I've gone cold turkey on LIFE itself in 7 days. I feel good about it, no urges or snack attacks and when I do have a snack attack I literally whip open a can of tuna.

Can I get a high five and the honesty about sweeteners? YAY OR NAY OR MAYBE SOMETIMES. ONCE A DAY? LOL


  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Everything I've read has lead me to believe that in moderation that they're fine. If you're sensitive to them, then don't use them. Otherwise, the amount that a typical person would use in a day (like what you're describing) shouldn't cause any issues or ill effects.

    However, if you're worried about it, why not just use real sugar? A teaspoon of sugar only has 15 calories. Surely you can work 15-30 calories into your daily diet?
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I just use real sugar, and budget it within my calorie goals --- but this is largely because I don't like the taste of most artificial sweeteners. If I want butter, I use the real thing, too. For me, this seems to be the better choice.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Honestly? It’s pretty much all personal choice and preference.

    Some people can’t stand the aftertaste of non-sugar sweeteners.
    Some people have ill effects from some artificial sweeteners.
    Some people are scared of the possible long term side effects of artificial sweeteners.
    Some people can’t give up their diet soda.
    Some people don’t mind the taste and prefer the reduction in calories.
    Some people think they taste better than regular sweeteners.
    Some people just don’t care and just eat/drink whatever based on what’s available and what tastes good.

    Personally, I have fairly sensitive taste buds, I can pick apart ingredients of a meal pretty easily. And I get a really strong aftertaste when I eat or drink anything with artificial sweeteners, so that’s one main reason I avoid products with them in them. The other main reason is that I get horrible headaches and stomach aches if I accidentally have anything with aspartame, so I try to always make sure to avoid that.

    If I do have to opt for something with a sweetener I’ll try to opt for Splenda/sucralose or stevia. But it’s up to you to choose what works best for you based on what’s out there.
  • THANK YOU ALL!!!!! Yes, I can live with 30 cals of the real deal! I just wasn't sure if that would mean utter horrible failure after all the hard work. You guys are amazing.

    PHEW- I also hate the aftertaste of sweeteners. I was actually willing to suck it up if absolutely necessary.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    There is nothing wrong with using sweeteners as long as you aren't sensitive to them. Some people get migraines. Some don't like the taste of them. If you don't mind the taste of them and they don't give you migraines or anything else than consuming them is fine.

    There is far too much crap posted about how sweeteners are so bad for you, will give you cancer, etc. There really is no proof that says they are bad for you or that they cause cancer or anything like that. People are far too quick to believe when someone claims something is bad for you. As long as you aren't consuming a ton of sweeteners everyday there is nothing wrong with it.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I'm abit pee'd off too.

    I normally take just under 2 teaspoons of regular sugar in my coffee and today ive added 3 teaspoons of stevia and its still not sweet enough!!! Arghhhh

    Somebody? Wth is up with that?
  • hmj2216
    hmj2216 Posts: 3 Member
    The doctors I work with tell our patients to only use Stevia