Circuit training-Heavy Lifting?

stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
I have been doing a total-body circuit weight training program for 3 months. It's been helping greatly with weight loss. However, I would like to keep doing the circuit routine, but would like to incorporate heavier weights for strength. My concern is that I won't be burning as many calories with this, thus slowing my weight loss. I'd still do cardio on odd days, and I still play hockey 2-3 times a week. What are the opinions out there?? Thanks!


  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    my opinion, if you exchange heavier lifting for some of the circuit lifting, you'll still burn a good amt of calories just in a different way. i e. you are going fast + moderate w/ weight for circuit but slower + high weight for regular lifting. . . your body should be burning fat while working out as well as recovery from heavy lifting.

    plus it's good to change up your routine & make your body work harder every once & a while.

    I lift heavy but often do circuit lifting when i don't want to do plyo or treadmill for my cardio.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you can make the weights heavier or do the weights you're doing, or in some cases body weight just in slow motion or pausing, or 'pulsing' going half way up then back down, for instance in a squat. any of that increases the intensity quite a lot.
    I just did all of those in my workout last night, my diary is open, and my heart was beating out of my chest, had to rest several times.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You may burn less calories doing the workouts, but the main benefit from heavy lifting comes during your resting periods. Your scale results may slow, but you will notice changes in your appearance. If you like to keep your HR up or feel like you're working more, up the weights and do super sets. Take two movements that require difference muscle groups, say squats and military press, and do your sets back to back (if you are able, I can't do it because I workout at home and would have to rack and replate the bar, but at the gym, if it's not busy, you can have two bars loaded and ready to go). So, you'd do your set of military press (I'd say 10 reps or less), the immediately do squats, no rest. Do that for three sets, then rest for a minute or two and move on to the next two exercises. You'll b e lifting heavier, but still have the circuit training feel.
  • ROBJ3411
    ROBJ3411 Posts: 72 Member
    It doesn't have to be an all or nothing type of exchange. If you front load some strength training onto the begining of you work out. you can get alot out of it. And not sacrifice your current workout.

    For Example pick one(or two) Strength heavy Exercise(Squats, Bench, Standing Military Press, Deadlifts or the Oly Lifts) and do it at the beginning of your Workout. Then just do your Circuit. Adds maybe 10-15 Mins...

    Folks will debate the best way to do it but, 3-5 sets of 1-6 reps works great.

    I know Crossfit is a bad word on here to some, but if you look at the CF Endurance Site many of their Workouts are structured this way...
  • stv1520
    stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
    All good advice so far. I've wanted to incorporate squats, but was hesitant because of past knee problems. A gym buddy showed me a wider stance for a squat, and I had no knee pain. Thought it was cheating to take a wider stance with toes out, but apparently it's not.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have been doing a total-body circuit weight training program for 3 months. It's been helping greatly with weight loss. However, I would like to keep doing the circuit routine, but would like to incorporate heavier weights for strength. My concern is that I won't be burning as many calories with this, thus slowing my weight loss. I'd still do cardio on odd days, and I still play hockey 2-3 times a week. What are the opinions out there?? Thanks!

    If you want to lift heavy, lift heavy. If you want to circuit train, circuit train. Trying to make "heavy lifting" a circuit means you will likely do a mediocre job at both. The heavier you lift, the more recovery time you need. Supersets can help make a workout more time-efficient, but they don't necessary enhance calorie burning.

    Ultimately, you may not burn fewer overall calories doing heavier lifting. The effects are more wide-ranging and depend a lot on how you structure your routine, how hard you work, etc. It sounds like you are still doing cardio and other activities. If you find you are increasing weight, you can always make adjustments.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You just need to figure out what you priority is. If you want to be able to lift a certain amount of weight or develop a certain amount of muscle mass, then you'll need to start a true lifting program that incorporates rest periods. If you just want to lose weight and look better and you enjoy your circuit routine, then stick to it. There's no wrong or right, just your personal goals.

    As for squats, there is no "cheating". Different stances work better for some people and if a little bit wider hurts doesn't hurt your knees I'm probably not going to tell you to change. Difficult to judge without seeing it. Your toes should be pointing out a bit anyway.
  • stv1520
    stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
    You just need to figure out what you priority is. If you want to be able to lift a certain amount of weight or develop a certain amount of muscle mass, then you'll need to start a true lifting program that incorporates rest periods. If you just want to lose weight and look better and you enjoy your circuit routine, then stick to it. There's no wrong or right, just your personal goals.

    As for squats, there is no "cheating". Different stances work better for some people and if a little bit wider hurts doesn't hurt your knees I'm probably not going to tell you to change. Difficult to judge without seeing it. Your toes should be pointing out a bit anyway.
  • stv1520
    stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
    Glad to know that I'm not cheating with the squat stance. From everything I've read, it's pretty close to the "perfect exercise". So I'd like to start doing it instead of seated leg presses.