AM I the only one who hates water??

I am finding myself struggling to get my daily water intake in. I "was" a diet coke drinker and NEVER drank water. I have recently been brought to light about the aspartame because a friend of mine is very sick and in the ICU with ruptured intenstines because of it. Im done with it, I just would like to know if there are any ways to make it an easier transition for me? Ive tried MIOS, that has aspartame as well.

I don't like lemon or lime so that would be something I wouldn't enjoy.


  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    ♫ Put your left leg down, your right leg up
    Tilt your head back, let's finish the cup ♫

    Just drink it. Hold your nose if you have to. Buy filtered water if you want absolutely no taste to it.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Have you thought about Dasani drops? I don't believe it has aspartame in it.... zero calories

    PS - Smart water is great, too... love that stuff!
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    I think it's supposed to take something like 11 times of eating/drinking something before you know if you truly like it or not...

    Anyways, how about adding a little fruit cordial (these might contain aspartame too though, you'd need to check), have you tried sparkling water? What about juicing your own oranges and adding to sparkling water? Or make fruit or herbal teas?

    You might need to experiment a bit but I reckon there must be some fruits that you could add to your water, I bet eventually you'll get used to it and be able to have it straight!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    the only time i like water is when i'm hungover. the way i keep my intake up is, chugging glasses whenever i'm in the kitchen preparing my meals. or when i'm at the gym, hitting the fountain between sets
  • heatherforever222
    heatherforever222 Posts: 26 Member
    I dot like it either but I drink it anyway. I do drink alot of Ice Sparkling Water! Black Rasberry is yum! And it doesnt have aspertame!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    there is fruit concentrates you could get to add to your water. i have tart cherry juice concentrate now, you add 2tbsp and it makes cherry juice
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    As an adult you have to do a lot of things you don't like. Just drink the water. There's zero taste. Not everything you put into your mouth needs be pleasurable. :wink: Fortunately I don't have that problem and enjoy water.

    EDITED for typo
  • natsmom118
    natsmom118 Posts: 83 Member
    agh water. Water and I have a love-hate relationship.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I cannot do plain water at all, gives me heartburn (I know, crazy)... there are some people that have a reaction and I'm one of those lucky few! I even have hives after I shower (my dad was the same way). HOWEVER, what I have done to assist is add a packet of splenda (no aspertame - as diabetes runs in my family and aspertame is not good at all for diabetics so I try to limit it drastically). If you do not want to use splenda you can try stevia (natural sweetener), I haven't tried it for water yet. It's amazing what that little tiny sweetness will do for you to help with the water issue.
  • lose4me71
    lose4me71 Posts: 36 Member
    I buy the drink pouches you add to your water. They have no sugar and add a little flavor to the water. My son loves them and it gets him to drink water.
  • Thanks everyone, I am basically forcing myself to drink it, but like anything else I guess I can get used to it. I am going to look into Stevia. Is it truly all natural, or is it one of those things that in two years from now could be the newest thing to avoid.:flowerforyou:
  • Kandace_Riopel
    Kandace_Riopel Posts: 80 Member
    I HATE WATER TOO! ....
    so i use crystal light but i use half the amount they tell you to use and i try to get a half bottle of water in between a bottle of crystal light!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I would think not wanting to end up back in the hospital would be reason enough to drink more water...

    Get better tasting water if you tap sucks, get a brita filter, buy jugs of water and refill at a water station...
  • We have a Brita filter attached to the tap. I am just not used to drinking it, bottom line, I wasn't in the hospital, my bestfriend is.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Ruptured intestines from aspartame. That's a new one.

    As for the water, you'd better get used to it quick smart if you want to take care of your health. Do you brush your teeth? Shower? Make small talk with strangers? Avoid staring at the sun? The best way to get used to it is to drink it!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    We have a Brita filter attached to the tap. I am just not used to drinking it, bottom line, I wasn't in the hospital, my bestfriend is.

    misread. Well still...seeing that happen to someone and not wanting to drink water still...not sure what to tell you dude.
  • Peap2012
    Peap2012 Posts: 39 Member
    You might try seltzer water. It has the carbonation which you may be missing from cokes, etc. and none of the dangerous ingredients.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I only drink well water from a natural spring down the street from where my brother lives. Its a public spring and free.....and water tastes awesome. Been doing that for many years now.

    But there are times when I, also, but flavorings in my water for a change of pace. Plus I never force myself to drink water. If I am thirsty, I drink.
  • ajeska
    ajeska Posts: 9
    Buy one of those plastic reusable cups with a screw on lid and straw. It had done wonders for the amount of water I drink. There are studies out there that show you drink a lot more when you drink through a straw.
  • pollips (sp) on her intestines so severe that it caused blockage which in turn caused rupture. The doc said from aspartame??