AM I the only one who hates water??



  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    It used to make me shudder when I drank it and I was one who also said I hated the taste of it. I was a big diet coke drinker too, which i ave up over a year ago. Once I got clear of the diet coke cravings, water started to taste better and better. It doesn't bother me now. Give it time and give up the flavored stuff. You'll develop a taste for it.
  • :flowerforyou: Thanks
  • amontanye
    amontanye Posts: 36 Member
    ok my husband HATES water. He has looked for just flavored water in the stores, but they are all sweetened in some fashion and he can't drink anything with any kind of artificial sweetener and he really doesn't want the sugar either since it's then just as bad as soda. So we tried the flavor bottles that are sold separately for the soda makers. They are a 3 pack of 3 flavors- not sweetened and he just uses a few drops for a glass of water. It flavors the water without artificial sweeteners or any calories. We didn't buy the actual soda maker machine- we just use the flavorings.
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Drink drink drink your water! To be honest, you'll probably learn to love it if you just keep drinking it. I watched a documentary the other day that showed that people learn to like eating things through repetition - and they were talking about strong tasting things, so it shouldn't be too hard to get to like innocent clean water!

    Otherwise - do you always drink it cold straight from the tap? Try having a jug or a jug filter always topped up so that you can drink it at room temperature. Cold water can be a shock. And you could squeeze a little lemon juice into it - super alkaline and amazing for your digestion, and delicious (I think, anyway!) :)
  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    I don't usually drink much water. My technique is to take a 16 ounce water bottle to the gym and drink a substantial amount after every set. The repetition makes it habitual, and I usually get through three bottles in my 75 minute workout.
  • Yammii
    Yammii Posts: 15
    Let me tell you - I was much like you, I used HATE, HATE WATER... Ugh, I couldn't stand drinking it until I decided I had to because I knew how good it would be for my weight-loss goals... I got more and more used to water as I started dropping those unwanted lbs. Water was one of the biggest tools for my weight-loss success... For the last 6 years I don't buy sodas or juices for my home. It's all water, water... I now LOVE WATER, drink a gallon + per day...
  • cynthiadmail
    cynthiadmail Posts: 90 Member
    I hated water years and years ago, right now. I cant go with out it.
    Learn more about what water really does for your body you will start to love it. I also love how much smoother my skin feels. Good luck and I hope you learn to love this drink to.

    PS I drink it warm, cold but free of any additives. But maybe you can start with some crystal light to get you used to it and just keep dwindling down the amount you use till you dont need it any more. Plus best of all .. Its FREE.. =)
  • brentalanrhodes
    brentalanrhodes Posts: 82 Member
    I used to dread the idea of pounding water all day but I now carry a gallon jug with me and drink it all day. I'll go through 2 gallons if my workout was really heavy or I'm outside much.

    I put a little Crystal Light or something similar in it from time to time just to change it up. Very diluted though. I don't care for the artificial sweeteners used in those drink mixes.

    Long story short, just stick to it, bite the bullet, your body will thank you for it. EVERYTHING performs or functions better when you're hydrated. Got to do it,
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    For a long time I didn't like water either. What did it for me was to drink it more to room temperature. Adding ice just doesn't do it for me. It took me quite a while but I now drink 95% water and every now and again throw in an alcohol beverage. :wink:
  • brentalanrhodes
    brentalanrhodes Posts: 82 Member
    Another thing I can vouch for is the protection and moisture water provides your joints. Joint pain and injuries used to be a big problem for me in the gym, but I really don't deal with that since being militant about my water.